Home / News / New Committee Assignments Issued, Greene and Gosar Get Influential Assignments

New Committee Assignments Issued, Greene and Gosar Get Influential Assignments

  • What is real­ly going on with Biden and the media accep­tance of the lap­top.
  • Trump makes a stop in SC
  • REps Greene and Gosar get com­mit­tee assign­ments.
  • How did Hunter afford a home and pay $50K a month to Joe that the doc­u­ments were found in. The home should have been worth about $8000. The gov­ern­ment is involved in mon­ey laun­der­ing
  • San­tos got com­mit­tee assign­ments.
  • The new over­sight com­mit­tee mem­bers Greene Gosar Per­ry and Boe­bert. Andy Big­gs on the Judi­cia­ry com­mit­tee.
  • In North GA, what they call the lunatic fringe in North GA. We can not win statewide elec­tions, not because North ga has lunatic fringe can­di­dates. It is not the prob­lem. Kemp pos­si­bly made a deal with Stacey Abrams. You can not com­pare Kemp with the statewide offices. If the 9th and 14th dis­trict would have had a dif­fer­ent choice oth­er than Stacey Abrams, Bri­an Kemp would not have been gov­er­nor. Kemp did­nt safe­guard our elec­tions. Kemp made a deal with Kel­ly Loef­fler to place her as sen­a­tor rather than Doug Collins. Kemp was not re-elect­ed because of the love for him in the 9th and 14th dis­trict. The deep state was smart enough to put Stacey Abrams on the bal­lot in exchange to get Warnock in the Sen­ate. Until we have a state board of elec­tions and the guts of law­mak­ers in Atlanta to stop the cor­rup­tion in Savan­nah, Macon, Colum­bus, Gwin­nett, Ful­ton, Clay­ton, etc. it will be impos­si­ble for repub­li­cans to win statewide. Unless you are Kemp and the Trump slay­er and win a sec­ond elec­tion over Stacey Abrams.

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