Home / News / What Is Really Going On With Biden And The Media Acceptance Of The Laptop.

What Is Really Going On With Biden And The Media Acceptance Of The Laptop.

  • Russ­ian sanc­tions denied Rus­sia from trad­ing oil. So they had to go around to sell the oil. The clear­ing house that all trades go through is backed by the US dol­lar. Now pay atten­tion, Saud­is are open to dis­cuss non-dol­lar oil trade set­tle­ments. Dur­ing a vis­it to Sau­di Ara­bia last month, Xi Jin­ping pledged to ramp up efforts to pro­mote the use of the yuan in ener­gy deals. Our law­mak­ers dont pay atten­tion to Jack Squat.
  • Matt Schlapp, CPAC, he is an arro­gant jack­ass. When Matt Schlapp came to GA to pro­mote Her­schel Walk­er, Schlapp was accused of fondling the air­port escort.
  • Bidens per­son­al attor­ney has spo­ken to the FEDS about the clas­si­fied mate­ri­als scan­dal after he found 10 top secret doc­u­ments. Patrick Moore is the lawyer who cleaned Joe Biden’s for­mer office at Penn biden cen­ter in Novem­ber. Muf­fin isnt answer­ing ques­tions. The FBI decid­ed not to mon­i­tor the Biden doc­u­ment search at 10pm last night. They go to the DOJ in Novem­ber, and the DOJ says you are doing such a great job doing it on your own in order to avoid com­pli­cat­ing lat­er stages of the inves­ti­ga­tion. The media is spin­ning this. Is the FBI giv­ing the ok to plant the doc­u­ments and once every­thing is in place then the FBI will come in. The DOJ did­nt tell them they cant talk about this.
  • Biden fam­i­ly. The CNN report does­nt call the lap­top, Hunter Bidens lap­top. CNN could have tak­en this lap­top in Octo­ber 2020 and reviewed the lap­top. This sto­ry could have been done in 2020. They did know that Joe Biden met with Hunter’s busi­ness asso­ciates. They could have report­ed the email to the Mex­i­can.
  • Why are they going after Joe Biden now? What is the end game now? The entire report was there before the 2020 elec­tion.
  • Trump com­ments on Ron DeSan­tis.

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