Home / News / Project Veritas Undercover Video on Fulton and Cobb Counties Teaching CRT.

Project Veritas Undercover Video on Fulton and Cobb Counties Teaching CRT.

  • Kemp is a no action gov­er­nor. Davos brought Kemp from the oth­er side of the world. To tell him that they know him well and that he bat­tled against the elec­tion deniers. Kemp answered with a lit­tle polit­i­cal speech. He was brought to Davos get­ting approval on the stage for per­fect­ing the steal. He did­nt stand up for what we are fight­ing for in GA. He is over there get­ting approval.
  • While Kemp is in Davos. Project Ver­i­tas has a break­ing video on CRT in schools in GA. Remem­ber Sarah Huck­abee Sanders told us that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is push­ing CRT to be imple­ment­ed in the school sys­tems.
  • Kemp and Mar­ty and the girls and the law mak­ers, under the gold dome and say to law­mak­ers and ask them if CRT is taught in schools in GA. They will deny it and say there is a law against it. The PV video is about Ful­ton and Cobb coun­ty. In the state of GA the school boards have scrubbed their web­sites of CRT and any­thing relat­ed to it. IF law­mak­ers tru­ly want­ed to change edu­ca­tion, they would­nt allow the schools to be their own gov­ern­ment. There has been a break­down in the fam­i­ly unit and the lack of par­ent par­tic­i­pa­tion in schools. And in the state of GA we have allowed the schools to cre­ate their own gov­ern­ment. They are con­struc­tion man­age­ment com­pa­nies and are so drunk on the ESPLOST mon­ey that is com­ing in.
  • They hide CRT inside DEI, diver­si­ty, equi­ty and inclu­sion. In Chero­kee coun­ty in 2021, they hired a direc­tor for DEI. The board hired the direc­tor that did­nt align with the val­ues of the dis­trict. Most boards dont know DEI is in the cur­ricu­lum. The super­in­ten­dent of the school is on board with the DEI for the gov­ern­ment mon­ey.
  • Ask the law­mak­ers if they have a check sys­tem to ensure that CRT is not being taught in our schools.

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