Home / News / Nikki Haley Announcing, Debt Ceiling Meeting, Biden EV Surprise

Nikki Haley Announcing, Debt Ceiling Meeting, Biden EV Surprise

  • Nik­ki Haley for­mer gov­er­nor of SC. she buck­led to the left and she removed the con­fed­er­ate flag over the state cap­i­tal. When the pres­sure is on, she will buckle. 
  • In Trump’s first term he took the estab­lish­ment in with him, or the door was open and they ran in. He wasn’t ready for exact­ly how DC worked. He got promis­es from the estab­lish­ment to go with him and “help” him get through the chop­py waters of DC. He was advised to make Nik­ki Haley ambas­sador of the UN.
  • There is a meet­ing today for Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy to talk about the debt ceil­ing. McCarthy is stand­ing strong. Biden say­ing he will not budge. It will be a 4–1, Hakeem Jef­feries, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden against McCarthy. Keep watch. The media is going nuts as they are meet­ing about the Trump tax cuts. There is a bud­get deficit and the debt. The inter­est rates on the debt alone are as high as the defense bud­get itself. Democ­rats are try­ing to fool and manip­u­late real­i­ty by telling you that Trump is the rea­son for the debt and the Trump tax cuts are the prob­lem. You can have a boom­ing econ­o­my by 2 ways, but loos­en­ing the belt on the wealthy so they can employ peo­ple and turn the mon­ey with­in the econ­o­my or the gov­ern­ment can print mon­ey and turn the econ­o­my with pho­ny mon­ey. The media will tell you about Trump’s tax cuts and what he did for the rich. 
  • What they will not tell you is the Biden EV sur­prise. Biden is to jump­start the EV domes­tic sup­ply chain for EV. Democ­rats offer car mak­ers new tax cred­its as incen­tive to scale up domes­tic bat­tery man­u­fac­tur­ing. Some experts say the val­ue to those tax cred­its may be four times high­er than Con­gress’ bud­get expects. Chi­na is where we get the min­er­als to build the batteries. 
  • Go read today: Nikole Han­nah Jones the 1719 docuseries lies about Amer­i­can his­to­ry again. 

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