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BKP Lesson on Campaign Finance

  • Les­son on cam­paign finance. Sheree Ral­ston lat­est fil­ing on her finances was 1/27/2023, there could be some things held back. $122, 270.76 spent. $6697 of In-Kind Con­tri­bu­tions, that is when some­one buys some­thing for the cam­paign. Is the In-kind con­tri­bu­tion the David Ral­stons blue signs. Who paid for the google ads, they were paid for the Repub­li­can State Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee. You could not go to youtube and watch a video with­out see­ing the ads. Karl Rove is on the board of the Repub­li­can state lead­er­ship com­mit­tee, this is who we beat last night. All the estab­lish­ments are on this board.
  • When you start going through cam­paign finance. What Kemp can do is he can take funds that were donat­ed to him and he can send mon­ey to rep­re­sen­ta­tives all across the state. And then those can­di­dates can send the mon­ey to the can­di­date that they want elect­ed. May David Ral­stons old cam­paign account was send­ing all this mon­ey around. A lot of peo­ple did not know how ill and sick Ral­ston was, he did not die sud­den­ly. For Months a group of peo­ple knew that Ral­ston was dying. What were the best laid plans to suc­ceed him. There needs to be inves­ti­ga­tion 90-days before Ral­ston died, how many of these rep­re­sen­ta­tives got mon­ey put in their cam­paign fund in advance.

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