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Johnny Chastain Defeated Establishment in ATL, the ATL Chamber and Gov. Kemp

  • John­ny Chas­tain has defeat­ed the estab­lish­ment in Atlanta, Atl Cham­ber and Gov­er­nor Kemp. BKP was deter­mined not to let Sheree Ral­ston, the rinos can­di­date, win the seat for GA HD7.
  • Do you remem­ber when Don­ald Trump was respon­si­ble for Bri­an Kemp win­ning as GA gov­er­nor? Bri­an Kemp wins by 55K votes. But then remem­ber when he stabbed Trump in the back. Most of the peo­ple in House Dis­trict 7 did­nt appre­ci­ate Kemp stab­bing Trump in the back. Kemp now knows that the 7th dis­trict does­nt like Kemp as much as he thought. This is a dis­trict that vot­ed 73–76% for Don­ald Trump in 2 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions.
  • Sheree Ral­ston, the real con­ser­v­a­tive leader, ready to stand for GA fam­i­lies. Kemp endorsed say­ing she is a voice for hard work­ing GA. endorsed by Nathan Deal and Will Wade, 9th dis­trict House rep.
  • Kmep is the great Trump slay­er and they brought him to Davos and he is the hero of the estab­lish­ment, the nev­er-Trumpers, glob­al­ist. And how he has played his role in the stolen elec­tion in GA. Just 10 days ago the AJC ran an arti­cle say­ing that Kemp has a 62% approval rat­ing. But GA state house dis­trict 7 says NO.
  • Take all those ugly blue signs off Hwy 515. Sheree Ral­ston used all of Davids signs.
  • John­ny has the most loy­al sup­port­ers and vot­ers. When you are num­ber one in a run off, if the mar­gin is not big it is bet­ter to be in the sec­ond spot. Because all your vot­ers know they have to show up again, and have to work hard to get more to the polls.
  • After David Ral­stons funer­al, David was a friend. At his funer­al it was under­stood that Sheree Ral­ston was going to run because Kemp announced the spe­cial elec­tion. BKP post­ed on face­book, say­ing that he would not allow Bri­an Kemp to select the rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the House Dis­trict 7. BKP cam­paign set the focus and the direc­tion for this elec­tion. No one would have tak­en Sheree on or forced the dis­cus­sion for the SB 202 and men­tal health bill. They knew on Thurs­day before qual­i­fy­ing, and they weaponized the AG office against BKP to stop him from qual­i­fy­ing. There was some­thing wrong that they want­ed Sheree Ral­ston in ATL and the seat belonged to the peo­ple of the 7th dis­trict. Sheree spent a lot of mon­ey attack­ing BKP in the first round.
  • Noth­ing in the media about Kemp los­ing this morn­ing. The AP came clos­est with the refer­ral to the endorse­ments of Sheree Ral­ston.
  • OUr dis­trict has not for­giv­en Kemp for appoint­ing Kel­ly Loef­fler for GA Sen­a­tor over Doug Collins, despite Trump call­ing for Collins’ appoint­ment. Kemp is not the gov­er­nor of GA the first time with­out Don­ald Trump. Kemp would not have got­ten the sec­ond term if there was anoth­er can­di­date run­ning against him oth­er than Stacey Abrams. Our dis­trict does not want boys in girls bath­rooms and has not for­got­ten the steal­ing of the 2020 elec­tion.

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