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The Headlines of the Day That The Media Doesn’t Cover

  • Jus­tice for Tyre Nichols. MTG says Tyre Nichols death was in a demo­c­rat-con­trolled city and was noth­ing to do with race. Why no one cares about Ash­li Bab­bitts death?
  • When is Nik­ki Haley going to announce? This is a set up because Nik­ki is going first. She is going first to bait Don­ald Trump to attack her. They want Trump to go after a woman and they can play that he is the same guy going after Nik­ki. And she is com­ing out first to see if she can break him.
  • Forsyth Coun­ty Board of Edu­ca­tion, this is a moth­er that is part of the group called Mama Bears. She was get­ting the peti­tion sub­mit­ted to remove the porn mate­ri­als from the library. She was removed from the meet­ing and she sued the board and her case was decid­ed yes­ter­day.
  • Biden and McCarthy are to meet today over the debt ceil­ing. June 5th the default dead­line, is that when the pink let­ter comes? We have to pay the bills on what our cor­rupt con­gress has already spent. It is like get­ting the bill and won­der­ing who made all the long dis­tance calls.
  • Trump unveils sweep­ing attack on trans rights
  • Pan­dem­ic learn­ing loss chil­dren lost 35% of a nor­mal school years worth of learn­ing dur­ing pan­dem­ic.
  • Hunter Biden paid assis­tant thou­sands off the books for filthy sex chats
  • Do not get up in the morn­ing and have any fear, espe­cial­ly of a politi­cian.

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