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The Need To Investigate DOJ and FBI Weaponization Against America People

  • Houck­’s home was raid­ed. Houck is a pro-life catholic after protest­ing at abor­tion clin­ic. He was charged with Free­dom of Access to Clin­ic Entrance Act. He was found not guilty. The facil­i­ty is the one that com­plained because he was peace­ful­ly protest­ing and the DOJ showed up by raid­ing his house with the FBI. the courts got it cor­rect. But the need to inves­ti­gate the DOJ and FBI is being weaponized against the Amer­i­can peo­ple. It was a tac­tic to intim­i­date pro-life Amer­i­cans and peo­ple of faith.
  • Bri­an Kemp is boost­ing pay rais­es for teach­ers on his twit­ter feed. Yet we cant find our law­mak­ers stop­ping the fen­tanyl in our state or ban med­ical sex changes for minors. Stop exper­i­ments on our chil­dren. Stop these ped­ofiles from exper­i­ment­ing on our kids. Every­thing is screw­ing up our kids and we need to put a stop to it and put peo­ple in prison. A Seat­tle sur­geon brags on Tik­tok about remov­ing breasts of 15yo on a trans-iden­ti­fied patient. The kid was referred to him by Chil­dren hos­pi­tal. This is hap­pen­ing all across this coun­try. Chil­dren dont know how to order piz­za let alone know their gen­der at 5.
  • Scott Jensen tweet­ed that they are now using Kei­th Elli­son and the AG office to take away his med­ical licens­es. In the state of GA it is hap­pen­ing. He was one of the firsts that start­ed ques­tion­ing the death cer­tifi­cates on covid report­ing and mod­i­fi­ca­tions to death cer­tifi­cates. This is about raw pol­i­tics, raw pow­er. Not one of the alle­ga­tions is about patient care. It is all about peo­ple not lik­ing his views. He has been in prac­tice for 40 years. They are weaponiz­ing the AG of MIn­neso­ta against him as a dis­sent­ing voice.
  • Google issues urgent guid­ance to sen­sor Project Ver­i­tas video on Pfiz­er direc­tor.
  • The 2022 tax­es and what to expect. You will get a shock­er when you do your tax return.
  • Man­hat­tan pros­e­cu­tor on Trump case.
  • Biden and McCarthy to meet tomor­row on Debt Ceil­ing
  • Irans weapons exports are becom­ing a prob­lem for the west. As we are send­ing weapons to Ukraine
  • Tax hike today
  • Pan­dem­ic learn­ing loss dur­ing pan­dem­ic is about 35%
  • DOJ is deny­ing GOP request for biden doc probe, the rea­son Gar­land ran to issue spe­cial coun­sel. ’

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