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Pay Attention To The June 5, Default Deadline

  • This is not manip­u­lat­ed real­i­ty. What I bring you is the manip­u­lat­ed real­i­ty that the media pack­ages to manip­u­late the truth.
  • The judge want­ed to go pub­lic in Ful­ton Coun­ty. The DA stopped the release. The DA is look­ing to indict Trump. If she indicts Trump, her hero sta­tus will be ele­vat­ed. GA is play­ing the ulti­mate role in the Trump slay­er. If you want to be the chair­per­son for the GOP of GA, stop post­ing pic­tures of you and Bri­an Kemp.
  • Pay atten­tion to the June 5, default dead­line. We dont have the mon­ey. We may have exhaust­ed all our cred­it. The US dol­lar has been the most cov­et­ed cur­ren­cy in the world. When that goes, when the dol­lar is only rel­e­vant to you and I because we are in Amer­i­ca. It will be com­plete­ly worth­less. Is there some­thing dif­fer­ent about this one? When will Jerome Pow­ell say the US does­nt have the back­ing?
  • The Biden admin­is­tra­tion in a rever­als is prepar­ing to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine. And Ger­many is going to send tanks. Rus­sia says that US made tanks will be destroyed if sent to Ukraine. And we are send­ing 30. Ger­many is send­ing tanks. Poland bor­ders Ukraine and Nato is pack­ing Poland with so many troops. But dont for­get the debt ceil­ing on June 5.
  • Zelen­sky thanks big invest­ment com­pa­nies at the Cham­ber of Com­merce.
  • Schiff and Swal­well are not on the intel com­mit­tee. Speak­er McCarthy blocks key dems from the intel com­mit­tee. Lets send your mem­ber of the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and McCarthy to thank him for stand­ing up for the Con­ser­v­a­tive val­ues. Make sure you have Omar in there.
  • Med­ical pro­fes­sion­als in Seat­tle dont have enough room with the amount of peo­ple dying from fen­tanyl over­dos­es. Repub­li­cans declare a war on the south­ern bor­der. The car­tels are win­ning the fight on the south­ern bor­der and call­ing on Joe Biden to act to save Amer­i­cans from fen­tanyl over­dos­es. Do you own research and check to see if there is human traf­fick­ing at your old motels? This is the war, this is where we should send the tanks too.
  • The most excit­ing com­mit­tee in Con­gress is the Over­sight com­mit­tee with Com­er, Greene, Gosar and Boe­bart.
  • TX Rep Ron­nie Jack­son says the omi­cron COVID vari­ant is a hoax cre­at­ed by the democ­rats to cre­ate mail in bal­lots.
  • MTG is set to serve on 2 major com­mit­tees: the House com­mit­tee on over­sight and account­abil­i­ty and the House com­mit­tee on Home­land Secu­ri­ty.

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