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Surrea Ivy and BKP discuss Tyre Nichols

  • Tyre Nichols died. We don’t know how many times this is hap­pen­ing in the inter­ci­ties because the guy doesn’t die. But this fits a nar­ra­tive that they want to run with. We put $400M plus to de-esca­late these issues. 
  • We don’t talk about how well orches­trat­ed it is. And how it is intrigu­ing how we get to some sort of nor­mal­cy and then some­thing hap­pens to get them fired up. It is about what we don’t talk about. We have politi­cians already cre­at­ing the nar­ra­tive. And how black moms are con­cerned about their black sons. We have thrown mil­lions of dol­lars into these com­mu­ni­ties. We have fund­ed the cri­sis train­ing and the de-esca­la­tion for the pho­to ops. In 2020 Mem­phis got $9M. This is black crime, black com­mu­ni­ties, with black officers. 
  • You can’t leg­is­late moral­i­ty. We have a fun­da­men­tal issue with peo­ple hav­ing an inabil­i­ty to reg­u­late them­selves. The issue we have in our com­mu­ni­ties is pover­ty. Life is hard for every­body. You have pover­ty mixed with lack of edu­ca­tion and resources. There was no plau­si­ble expla­na­tion why the offi­cers went from 0–60 on Tyre. They have cre­at­ed the demand for “F the Police” there is no respect for the author­i­ty or the school sys­tems. The first line of author­i­ty is the par­ents and if you are bypass­ing the par­ents you are killing the respect. This is what the democ­rats have created. 
  • The offi­cers are going into hot sit­u­a­tions day in and day out. These sit­u­a­tions hap­pen every day in these cities. 
  • We destroyed the black fam­i­lies. The great­est injus­tice was done to the black man. The black fam­i­ly thrived until the Drug war, 1970–75. The depen­den­cy on the gov­ern­ment. There was a rise in tox­ic fem­i­nin­i­ty with black women. We have tak­en what holds soci­ety togeth­er and vil­i­fied it. 
  • The solu­tion in the cities. You, Amer­i­can cit­i­zens, will have to take back the cities. You will have to self-reg­u­late. Bring­ing back the com­mu­ni­ties being self-regulated. 
  • Sur­rea on what hap­pened in CA for the elec­tion of RNC chair. 


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