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House Committee hearing on Twitter

  • Twit­ter did not have the prac­tice of tak­ing down employ­ee view­points yet they could take down doc­tor facts. Unfet­tered cen­sor­ship of doc­tors. They will lie and hide for the social­ist agen­da.
  • Dont for­get Chi­na Com­plet­ed their mis­sion
  • We are tired of Ful­ton Coun­ty elec­tions and the cor­rup­tion there and they passed a law that said they could take over the coun­ty elec­tion. The pan­el says to (9)
  • WH denies involve­ment as bomb­shell report alleg­ing US plot that we gave the order to blow up Nord stream 2
  • Biden says the pub­lic is not going to pay atten­tion to the doc­u­ments and it would­n’t have any impact on his pres­i­den­cy. Doc­u­ments in Biden’s home were things from 1974 and stray papers.
  • Zelen­sky is greet­ed with cheers and stand­ing ova­tion in brus­sels. He is demand­ing jets from EU lead­ers.
  • Clay Hig­gins looks at the twit­ter pan­el and says this is just the inves­ti­ga­tion. The crim­i­nal charges are com­ing.
  • 90% of all search­es are done with Google. Bing only has 4%, they have some­thing that can change those num­bers and peo­ple may be using their search engine soon. It is called AI. Alpha­bet shares fall sharply after Google’s AI chat­bot debut stum­bles. The AI Chat­G­BT at Microsoft

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