Home / Featured Segments / Multiple Bills In GA Legislation for Sports Betting — CASINOS and HORSE TRACKS

Multiple Bills In GA Legislation for Sports Betting — CASINOS and HORSE TRACKS

  • House repub­li­cans reignite war over COVID ori­gin and demand info from Fau­ci oth­er offi­cials as they probe whether the virus start­ed in Wuhan lab. The rea­son they want you to look in the sky for the spy bal­loons and the war in Ukraine so you wont look at what they did to us.
  • In GA they want to legal­ize sports bet­ting and the inter­net. HB380 (48pgs) is the com­pro­mise that takes out horse rac­ing and focus­es on sports bet­ting. All the bills are ready and take effect in July this year. Maybe the polling says that Geor­gians wont vote for it so they are not putting it on the bal­lot. GA law­mak­er files metro cham­ber-backed sports bet­ting bill.
  • HB380 Geor­gia lot­tery Game of Sports Bet­ting Act — the manip­u­la­tion is that it is part of the lot­tery. SB 57 is the Sports Bet­ting Integri­ty Act — the manip­u­la­tion is that it is already hap­pen­ing we are just going to reg­u­late it. The spon­sors of HB380: Wiedow­er, Chuck Mar­tin, Stacey Evans, Lau­ren McDon­ald (Gov­er­nors Floor Leader), Al Williams (when you need bipar­ti­san bill), Ron Stephens (cant wait to bring that casi­no in Savan­nah)
  • HB380 is going to have a lot of dupli­ca­tion from SB57. cre­at­ing agen­cies. It is not sports bet­ting. It is a lie. It was said that bet­ting is hap­pen­ing and we are los­ing mon­ey and need to reg­u­late it. Then it was going to go on the bal­lot.
  • They are going to try to tell you that it is sports bet­ting. They claim they have found a way to pass this through the GA lot­tery. They claim the GA lot­tery already opened the door and it can just be signed by the Gov and go in effect in GA. Now if you are just going to do sports bet­ting why do you need to cre­ate a com­mis­sion? In these bills, they call on the gov­er­nor to appoint 3 mem­bers to the gam­ing com­mis­sion. And the Lt gov and speak­er appoint 2 mem­bers each. That is 7 mem­bers in a gam­ing com­mis­sion. You might just start sports bet­ting but all the struc­ture is in place and ready for the horse tracks and casi­nos to come into play. That com­mis­sion hires a chief exec­u­tive offi­cer and then you have com­pli­ance offi­cers.
  • Read SB57 line 1030 and read about 5 lines that deal with minors. A licensee shall not know­ing­ly tar­get minors in adver­tise­ments or pro­mo­tions for sports bet­ting.
  • The Sen­ate held a hear­ing at 8 am on SB57.
  • Defense min­is­ter to address NATOS race for logis­tics.
  • Biden to go to Poland.
  • Bat­tle tanks pledged by us and allies to send to Ukraine. Nato mem­bers are treat­ing Ukraine like they are mem­bers of the EU and putting troops and tanks in Poland.

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