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Teaching Hate In Our Schools Not Academics

  • You cant imag­ine what is hap­pen­ing in pub­lic schools.
  • Damn­ing report finds there are 23 pub­lic schools in Bal­ti­more where none of the chil­dren under­stand basic math as par­ents blame dem-led city fraud and cor­rup­tion. In the 23 schools no one stu­dent passed their grade lev­el math.
  • Do an open records request today. As for the super­in­ten­dent of schools salary includ­ing ben­e­fits and per diem.
  • Who is teach­ing this hate? Black kids telling white kids its their month.
  • There is his­to­ry in this coun­try that is very uncom­fort­able. It does­nt need to be rewrit­ten to teach our kids to hate white peo­ple.
  • Biggest US coun­ties push to expand the con­tro­ver­sial guar­an­teed income exper­i­ment across the nation.
  • Flori­da uni­ver­si­ty planned to adopt a rad­i­cal DEI pro­gram that would see stu­dents seg­re­gat­ed by race and pro­mote white guilt and white fragili­ty.
  • Unit­ed flight nose­dives thou­sands of feet before recov­er­ing. They are inves­ti­gat­ing it. Some­thing hap­pened in the cock­pit they are not ready to release.

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