Home / Featured Segments / Trumps Empty Folder While Disney Proud Family Continue Teaching Our Kids CRT

Trumps Empty Folder While Disney Proud Family Continue Teaching Our Kids CRT

  • We cant get any news on the 50 train car derail­ment. But this is what we can get news on. At Mar A Lago they found a fold­er. Trump’s legal team turned over a fold­er with clas­si­fied mark­ings to the Jus­tice Depart­ment. Every evening the pres­i­dent get a debrief­ing. The fold­er was emp­ty and was placed open on his phone so the lights would not both­er him.
  • Fani Willis in Ful­ton Coun­ty will release the grand jury report with retrac­tions because indict­ments are com­ing.
  • Nik­ki Haley is run­ning for pres­i­dent.
  • Dis­ney wildy woke show proud fam­i­ly shames char­ac­ters for hav­ing white fragili­ty and explains it occurs when some­one is defen­sive about their priv­i­lege. The oth­er day we watched the proud fam­i­ly doing the 1619 project. And there are peo­ple that want to tell you they arent teach­ing CRT in our schools and they say they arent attempt­ing to change our his­to­ry. And this is hap­pen­ing on Dis­ney with our kids. These are the lessons that Dis­ney is try­ing to teach our chil­dren. And this is the trans­for­ma­tion they are doing in this coun­try and you won­der why the kids are com­mit­ting sui­cide and strug­gling with their iden­ti­ty.

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