Home / News / Balloon Shootings Sweep Airwaves, OH Train Derailment Gets Northing

Balloon Shootings Sweep Airwaves, OH Train Derailment Gets Northing

  • The Sen­ate has 162 bills intro­duced in the GA Sen­ate. And the House has dropped 382 this leg­isla­tive ses­sion.
  • Fri­day this hap­pens, no news Fri­day, Sat­ur­day, or Sun­day. Yes­ter­day noth­ing. This morn­ing noth­ing. Hun­dreds of res­i­dents in an Ohio vil­lage demand urgent test­ing of their homes after a train­wreck released tox­ic chem­i­cals into the air and offi­cials tell them its safe to return. Noth­ing from Pete buttigieg. Train cars were car­ry­ing tox­ins.
  • Pete Buttigieg claims con­struc­tion com­pa­nies are employ­ing too many white peo­ple and ignores the train derail­ment.
  • What hap­pens in the past two weeks watch­ing a bal­loon float­ing in the air. And Joe Biden is talk­ing about the repub­li­cans try­ing to stop social secu­ri­ty.
  • News­na­tion reporter was arrest­ed for doing his job.
  • We had the navy fleet ready when the bal­loon was tak­en down. Lloyd Austin says they havent recov­ered any of the debris from the 3 shot down over the week­end. We had the size of the bal­loon, we had the infor­ma­tion of what was attached to the bal­loon. And we have pic­tures of them drag­ging the bal­loon on board.
  • Toi­let paper up due to hous­ing short­age
  • The trans­for­ma­tion is hap­pen­ing every­day. The green new deal is hap­pen­ing.
  • Ford to cut near­ly 4000 jobs in europe.
  • Who is going to own the elec­tric­i­ty?
  • Ford is going in with Chi­na to build a $3.5B bat­tery plant in Michi­gan. The largest deposits of min­er­als to make these bat­ter­ies has been giv­en to Chi­na. You do know that the US built the roads and air­ports for the Chi­nese to get to the min­er­als in Afghanistan.

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