Home / News / The Economy is not Cooling, and NATO needed more ammo for Ukraine

The Economy is not Cooling, and NATO needed more ammo for Ukraine

  • NATO is treat­ing Ukraine as though they are a NATO coun­try and a mem­ber of the EU. The EU is putting pres­sure on the new Ital­ian PM. The PM of Italy has been told to get in line with the EU. Putin is not prepar­ing for peace. NATO chief warns Europe must step up deliv­er­ies as he reveals the WEst risks run­ning low on ammu­ni­tion. 30 coun­tries from the mil­i­tary alliance that need to step up deliv­er­ies to ensure Ukraine can fight Rus­sia. Rus­sia flies 2 super­son­ic nuclear bombers over the Nor­we­gian Sea north of Scot­land as NATO meets for the sec­ond day of talks over Ukraine.
  • Dianne Fein­stein is retir­ing, 89.
  • Adam Schiff may become a Sen­a­tor in CA
  • Trans ath­letes will be banned from Texas col­lege sports, Abbott vows
  • SD pass­es help not harm bill block­ing under 18 from hav­ing sex change surgery or puber­ty blocked. At the cur­rent time you see no activ­i­ty in GA.
  • Tes­la to help expand EV charg­ing access. Who is going to be in charge of all the elec­tric­i­ty?
  • Con­sumer prices climbed 6.4%, food prices up Infla­tion has not cooled. Rate increas­es by the Feds will con­tin­ue. Com­pa­nies will con­tin­ue to cut back. This is where com­mon sense applies. Prices are com­ing down for Used cars, major appli­ances, wom­ens dress­es, smart­phones, tele­vi­sions because these are things peo­ple dont need to buy. Prices are com­ing down because inven­to­ry is high, not the neces­si­ties. Spend­ing over Christ­mas was down. The shift in cred­it card spend­ing has gone to the gro­ceries and gas.
  • Food Stamp pro­gram is get­ting a slash. 32 states are cut­ting their ben­e­fits. This is the covid mon­ey that is being drained.

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