Home / Featured Segments / Media Quiet unless it fits Narrative: PPP Loans, Bidens Brother, Gang arrests

Media Quiet unless it fits Narrative: PPP Loans, Bidens Brother, Gang arrests

  • SBA wont even try to colette on PPP loans that are sup­posed to be paid back, cit­ing equi­ty. Mil­lions of small biz own­ers. Covid hit they put out the PPP loan pro­gram. It was a loan and you had to apply and you had to get approved. IT was very clear that a per­cent of the loan had to go to salaries and util­i­ties. They went through banks and the banks would col­lect the records show­ing com­pli­ance of records and then approve the for­give­ness.
  • Biden wont talk about shoot­ing down objects because he does­nt want Amer­i­cans to pan­ic. We have tele­scopes that can see plants at the end of the galaxy. The bal­loon thing is noth­ing but a big lie. We dropped it six miles off the coast of SC. We had a naval fleet to make sure no one could get close to the debris so they could tell us what it was. There is no urgency to find the 3 objects that have been shot down since the spy bal­loon.
  • James Biden name did­nt hurt when firm hired him to bro­ker $140M sau­di deal while Joe was VP between US con­struc­tion com­pa­ny and Saud­is in 2012
  • Stray bul­let kills NYC mom of 2 sparks arrest of 23 most dan­ger­ous gang mem­bers. The gang mem­bers prob­a­bly have ille­gal gun pos­ses­sions and the Biden admin­is­tra­tion gun laws would not do any­thing about it. The big cities are the war zones in Amer­i­ca.
  • Because the MSU shoot­ing vic­tims fit the nar­ra­tive it is all over the news. But because the mom of 2 does­nt fit the nar­ra­tive not even spo­ken about.

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