Home / Shows / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on the Economy and the 2024 President’s race

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on the Economy and the 2024 President’s race

  • Cred­it card, car repos, mort­gage rates are up. Infla­tion is caus­ing a lot of chaos. They are blam­ing it on the sup­ply chain, Rus­sia, and the list goes on. And it is not get­ting bet­ter, it will be around for the rest of this year and into next year. It is obvi­ous that they are fid­dling with the num­bers. There is a long way to go. The Fed­er­al Reserve rate increas­es may go to .50 points. 
  • It is a total­ly dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tion than Jim­my Carter. Mort­gage rates are high­er than the 2.7 we are used to but not near the Jim­my Carter rates. 
  • Low­er income fam­i­lies are default­ing on auto loans, then cred­it cards, then mortgages. 
  • Used cars sky­rock­et­ed. But it has equal­ized a lit­tle bit. The used car lots are about to explode because of the repos. 
  • We don’t have to wait for the num­bers to come out from the admin­is­tra­tion. We know how it is hurt­ing our pock­ets. Dol­lar Gen­er­al has become the largest gro­cer in the nation. CNN report­ed that Wal­mart and Home Depot say that peo­ple are buy­ing the basics. 
  • Trump goes to East Pales­tine and gets a Big Mac for every­one. Pete Buttigieg snuck in at 7am and then out while every­one was asleep. They can talk about Trump all day long but what they miss is that the peo­ple just want to know that some­one cares. It was over 2 weeks before the acknowl­edge­ment on main­stream media. Joe’s cam­paign was based on the empath­ic joe and small town joe and they real­ly missed the mark on this. Intel said too many red hats. 
  • Some­how Vivek Ramaswamy is the new can­di­date for pres­i­dent in 2024
  • There are box­es on the track that alert the train if the train is going too fast or the axle is get­ting too hot. Buttigieg is say­ing that he is work­ing behind the scenes, same with Nor­folk South­ern. They sent the EPA direc­tor. They have not cleaned the dirt prop­er­ly. The peo­ple in the area are expe­ri­enc­ing things and suf­fer­ing while the author­i­ties are say­ing every­thing is fine. 
  • Nik­ki Haley is in it to win it. The media is try­ing to start a fight. 
  • You will see in April the leg­isla­tive ses­sions will end. And that is when we will see who will be in the race. 
  • Tim Scott is in Iowa. 
  • DeSan­tis has time to be gov­er­nor and announce some­time in August. The RNC is hold­ing him until the end. 
  • Win­ners and Losers

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