Home / Shows / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on COVID vaccines, China, Russia and Ukraine

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL on COVID vaccines, China, Russia and Ukraine

  • Peter McCol­lough research­ing a study to reverse the COVID vac­cine.
  • Chi­na had a $50.6B increased pur­chase of crude from rus­sia. Chi­na wants a cease­fire, Chi­na wants all the sanc­tions removed. Biden will be putting out more sanc­tions today. The US is send­ing anoth­er weapons pack­age to Ukraine. 50 mem­bers of Con­gress went to the Munich con­fer­ence and it was the largest del­e­ga­tion since 1963. Sev­er­al GOP mem­bers went to Kyiv and did the hug with Zelen­sky. They have come out to say that we have to sup­port Ukraine for as long as it takes.
  • What do we trust? If you have a state­ment from Chi­na, Rus­sia and the US, who do you trust? It is hope­less.
  • Ukraine for 400 years was part of Rus­sia, longer than we have been a coun­try. When it comes to the Don­bas region and Crimea region we dont know what those peo­ple want. If we hear that the Don­bas region want­ed to be part of Rus­sia we dont know. In 1940 the Ger­mans bombed Lon­don con­ti­nu­ity for 57 nights. And you’re gonna tell me that in 2023 that if Putin want­ed to bomb kyiv he could­nt. Rus­sia may annex Belarus.
  • Biden has got us in a mess. We sup­ple­ment­ing the Ukraine gen­er­al fund.
  • The US force feeds our ideals across the world. Where­as Chi­na does­nt and only builds up the coun­try’s infra­struc­ture.
  • Gen King made some com­ments on Sun­day and he basi­cal­ly said that we dont have the pre­pared­ness to fight on mul­ti­ple fronts. Oba­ma was hands off with Chi­na and allowed them to build the islands in the south chi­na sea and launch their air­craft car­ri­er. Chi­na has a larg­er num­ber of ships than the US navy. To build our fleet up will be a 5–10 year plan.
  • Rock­et man will launch a rock­et and one of the days it will hit Japan.
  • We are send­ing troops to Tai­wan, 200 advi­sors, it’s like Viet­nam.
  • Rus­sia and Chi­na are ask­ing for peace to make the US look like the war­mon­gers. Rus­sia is los­ing equip­ment and per­son­nel and they dont want to allow Rus­sia to lose. Chi­na might be in there to help Rus­sia save face and be the sav­ior.

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