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Americans Come First

  • AZ ranch­er, 73, appears in court in shack­les and bul­let­proof vest as pros­e­cu­tors claim he hunt­ed migrants with AK-47, lied to cops and is a dan­ger to soci­ety while he insist­ed he was defend­ing his land and his wife. If he broke the law for pro­tect­ing his land and his wife then what about the ille­gals that crossed the bor­der with guns and drugs.
  • Trump stands next to a pal­let of Trump-labeled water in East Pales­tine OH and buys the res­i­dents McDon­alds. Biden and Buttigieg were advised that there were a lot of red hats in OH, and it would not be safe. All the peo­ple want to know if that some­one cares they dont want to hear Biden all the way across the world say­ing that we are fly­ing Ukrain­ian flags.
  • Fox news ran cov­er for Buttigieg for rea­sons not going to OH.
  • 50% of Dems say Biden gives the par­ty the best chance in 2024. They are excit­ed about this poll because it does­nt fac­tor in the trip to Ukraine.
  • Amer­i­cans come first.
  • They may have jeop­ar­dized what hap­pened in GA with the fore­wom­ans inter­views.
  • Are Ger­mans already look­ing to aban­don Ukraine? Huge protest this week­end led by far left and krem­lin apol­o­gists will demand Berlin stops arm­ing Kyiv
  • Chi­nas naval fleet is grow­ing and the US can’t keep up.
  • Tim Scott trav­els to Iowa amid 2024 buzz.
  • DeSan­tis leads Trump by 5 points among Michi­gan pri­ma­ry vot­ers but GOP women still favor ex-pres.. They will do this all over the coun­try try­ing to divide the GOP so we dont elect a repub­li­can pres­i­dent.

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