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ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — Tucker, Covid, Reparations

  • Tuck­er video release, what is the end game? All defense lawyers across the coun­try should be upset and raise the alarms for the gov­ern­ment hid­ing the evi­dence. Have they shut down Tuck­er from releas­ing more video cov­er­age? The inter­net spin is that Fox shut them down. Every­thing that they talk about in the media has a liar fac­tor in front of it. The Jan 6 com­mit­tee was noth­ing but a waste of tax­pay­ers mon­ey. This is the one thing that stopped the red wave.
  • The oth­er thing we learned this week was Red­field, head of the CDC and on the COVID task force, was not even on the email loop in the Fau­ci lab leak coverup. Accord­ing to Red­field, gain of func­tion has nev­er pro­duced a result in a vac­cine. Fau­ci was play­ing with some­thing that could wipe out mankind.
  • Lots of talk about repa­ra­tions for blacks. Does it make any sense for the peo­ple today to pay for the sins of our ances­tors? The repa­ra­tions is the vot­ing act of 65, that cost tril­lions of dol­lars. There are dis­tricts across this coun­try that have got­ten mil­lions of dol­lars and the street lights dont work. Jack­son MS is a per­fect exam­ple of mil­lions of dol­lars going to the dis­trict and the crime and drugs have con­tin­ued and have even got­ten worse. Max­ine Waters dis­trict is anoth­er exam­ple.
  • Trump, vote for me what have you got to lose. Trump say­ing its going to be dif­fer­ent this time. When Trump got to DC there were peo­ple that were around him that did­nt direct him right. At the CPAC speech, Trump real­izes the mis­takes that were made and it will be dif­fer­ent this time because he knows the good, bad and the ugly.
  • Was there a run on the bank yes­ter­day? In sil­i­con val­ley. Bank stock lost about 60 bil­lion. The jobs report was slight­ly bet­ter than expect­ed. We know they mess with all the num­bers. Anoth­er instance is that they are lying too. They will have to do the rate increas­es more rapid­ly now. One school of thought is that if every­one los­es their job it will fix the sys­tem. Pow­ell is dead set on the 2% infla­tion rate and come hell or high water he will do what it takes to get there.
  • Trump stood by Brix and Fau­ci too long and if he would have fired them ear­li­er on we may not have been in this sit­u­a­tion.

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