Home / Shows / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — America is getting tougher for some people on a daily basis.

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — America is getting tougher for some people on a daily basis.

  • The unre­al­ized cap­i­tal gains. The dev­il is in the details. This hap­pened in the .com boom and bust. The gov­ern­ment wants to tax your port­fo­lio. The seniors are the ones with the mon­ey in invest­ments and you are the ones that the gov­ern­ment has to come in and take your mon­ey. For the most part the peo­ples fair share are moved off­shore to avoid tax­es. The fam­i­lies that have done well in small busi­ness­es in the low mil­lions are the ones that get hurt in this sit­u­a­tion. The gov­ern­ment just wants more mon­ey to be able to spend. This pro­pos­al that Biden put out yes­ter­day will make the largest gov­ern­ment in his­to­ry and we will go bank­rupt.
  • Joe Manchin is say­ing that we can­not tax our way out of this mess. 73% of the bud­get is already account­ed for, we have to go back to that 73% to cut to get out of this mess.
  • 1% of the peo­ple in this coun­try pay 43% of the tax­es. Is that fair?
  • They are hid­ing under dif­fer­ent def­i­n­i­tions Med­ic­aid expan­sions and repub­li­cans are help­ing. The Biden bud­get also expands med­ic­aid. Do we still keep play­ing the game? Or do we just cave? Quite mask­ing what you are doing, repub­li­cans includ­ed, and edg­ing towards it. 63 and old­er have medicare, some kind of health­care. Poor peo­ple, they have some sort of health care. Guess who does­nt hard­work­ing peo­ple. Amer­i­ca is get­ting tougher for some peo­ple on a dai­ly basis.
  • Every­thing in the bud­get and in order to get the mon­ey you have to com­ply with the equi­ty woke rules.
  • Bill Mahr is becom­ing the George Car­lin of the day. What about Rus­sell Brand?
  • Did Biden blow up the Nord Stream pipeline?
  • Bri­ans trip to DC last week­end. We should nev­er lose elec­tions. GOP is going to have to embrace non-tra­di­tion­al vot­ing. Lega­cy PAC is ded­i­cat­ed to rais­ing mon­ey to sup­port Amer­i­ca First can­di­dates.
  • Win­ners and Losers

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