Home / Shows / Bidens Money Wire Going To A New Family Member? Looks Like Influence Peddling!

Bidens Money Wire Going To A New Family Member? Looks Like Influence Peddling!

  • Com­er says anoth­er biden fam­i­ly mem­ber is part of the probe into shady busi­ness deals between the biden fam­i­ly and Chi­na. Con­tin­u­ing to say that the new infor­ma­tion will change every­thing Hunter and Bidens broth­ers Jim and Frank are already in the fir­ing line. Com­er pres­sures the Trea­sury to turn over the reports on Hunter Biden and reports that the inves­ti­ga­tion is mov­ing in a good direc­tion. Spec­u­la­tion mounts over the ID of a new Biden fam­i­ly mem­ber who got a cut of the $3M wire in ques­tion.
  • These com­mit­tees are doing an amaz­ing job. But the cor­po­rate cor­rupt media is say­ing that it is wast­ing tax­pay­er mon­ey. Now if you break the law they throw you to the ground and detain you for being at the Jan 6 event. There was a video where law enforce­ment was escort­ing Jacob Chans­ley, he was not hos­tile and now serv­ing a 4 year prison sen­tence. Yet the com­mit­tees are a waste of time.
  • The Trump orga­ni­za­tion is an inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion. Whether we think it is good, bad or ugly, the deals between Jared Kush­n­er and Sau­di Ara­bia have been made pub­lic.
  • Biden knows who the third fam­i­ly mem­ber is. The Deep State knows who it is. Tik­tok from Chi­na is bad. Well what about Chi­na giv­ing Biden mon­ey. Com­er stat­ed that he can­not see any busi­ness activ­i­ty as a result of this wire. It went to per­son­al accounts. It looks like influ­ence ped­dling and that is ille­gal.
  • Look up Rose­mont Cap­i­tal, a real estate com­pa­ny in New Mex­i­co. A loan from the Bank of Chi­na (Chi­nas Gov­ern­ment Insti­tu­tion). And Hunter Bidens part­ner Devon Ash­er.
  • Mol­lie Hem­ing­way on the fed­er­al­ist.
  • James OKeefe is grow­ing his cit­i­zen army.
  • Law­mak­ers approve Kem­p’s request for $73.1 mil­lions to help train work­ers for elec­tric vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ing plants being built in New­ton and Bryan coun­ties. What about the approval for the tax incen­tives already giv­en to these com­pa­nies? You cant get any more cor­rupt than this. We have a sur­plus in GA and we brag about it and brag about it so we are going to give $500 to the cit­i­zens and the law­mak­ers are going to come home and tell you to shut the hell up. But they pick win­ners and losers and give the real mon­ey to the cor­po­ra­tions for train­ing their work­ers and tax breaks on the land for years to come.

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