Home / Shows / What Ever Happened To Paying Your Fair Share — SVB Bank Are Democrat Donors

What Ever Happened To Paying Your Fair Share — SVB Bank Are Democrat Donors

  • Isnt this the group that should be pay­ing their fair share. Now these arent cit­i­zens of East Pales­tine OH. These are the sil­i­con val­ley elite. Yet Biden bails them out. It took weeks for the trans­porta­tion sec­re­tary to come to East Pales­tine. Id like to see a FOIA on how much vaca­tion time has Pete been off the job to spend time with his fam­i­ly. Has Joe Biden been to OH? No, he went to Ukraine. But with­in hours for Janet Yellen to say that depos­i­tors be made whole. 93% of the depos­i­tors in the bank far exceed­ed the 250K FDIC thresh­old. SVB is noth­ing but demo­c­rat vot­ers. If you have to hide the truth of Jan 6, if you have to hide and cov­er up Fau­ci and gain of func­tion research, and hide Hunter Biden and the mil­lions of dol­lars to the Biden fam­i­ly. You have to yell Guns.
  • At 9am, BKP was asked about the GRA (Geor­gia Repub­li­can Assem­bly). He will make a state­ment.
  • The very first thing this morn­ing they cov­er is that Trump will be indict­ed.
  • SEC on Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank Col­lapse — We at the SEC are par­tic­u­lar­ly focused on mon­i­tor­ing for mar­ket sta­bil­i­ty and iden­ti­fy­ing and pros­e­cut­ing any form of mis­con­duct that might threat­en investors, cap­i­tal for­ma­tion or the mar­kets says SEC chair Gary Gensler
  • Sup­pos­ed­ly a Russ­ian jet dumped fuel on the $30M drone and clipped its wing and it fell into the Black Sea. While Rus­sia says they nev­er got close to the drone. And it was dumped into the Black Sea and wiped clean of all its data so the tech­nol­o­gy would not fall into Russ­ian hands or could it be so we dont learn what real­ly hap­pened. They want you to believe that they blacked out the soft­ware to keep clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion out of the Russ­ian hands. BULLSHI*. Its a coverup for the 9 box­es of clas­si­fied doc­u­ments in Boston, or the CCP
  • How about anoth­er diver­sion Biden issues new exec­u­tive order on Gun Back­ground checks.
  • Democ­rats dont care They use groups. If you think for one moment that they care you are off the mark. They are pro­tect­ing the assets of the sil­i­con val­ley elite.
  • Com­er reveals that anoth­er Biden fam­i­ly mem­ber is part of a probe into shady busi­ness deals. Repub­li­cans want at least one per­son to go to jail. We have polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in jail and we cant get one in jail.
  • San Fran­cis­cans line up at board meet­ings to shout and sing sup­port for repa­ra­tions to give every black res­i­dent $5M, wipe per­son­al debt, pro­vide $97K guar­an­teed incomes and homes for just $1 and no one asks the city how to pay the bill. Wow
  • Tues­day Morn­ing is clos­ing 263 loca­tions in 38 states due to bank­rupt­cy
  • GA law­mak­ers give you a piece of can­dy so you wont look at what they are doing on the cor­rupt side. GA Sen­ate gives final approval to $1B income tax rebate.
  • They are run­ning a smoke screen because there is a high pro­file case in TX. The judge in TX may rule on the abor­tion pill.

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