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Conservatives Dont Know The Real Meaning Of WOKE?

  • Drew Bar­ry­more fans are prais­ing the actress for her com­pas­sion while talk­ing to trans Tik Tok star Dylan Mul­vaney. The cur­rent nar­ra­tive is that con­ser­v­a­tives dont know the mean­ing of woke. Appar­ent­ly, we should have our eyes open and see who peo­ple real­ly are. GA law­mak­ers are gut­less and dont have a back­bone to stop the woke leg­is­la­tion in Atlanta. Lis­ten to the way they answer you, its Poli­tispeak.
  • Mass­a­chu­setts high school is being slammed after win­ning the girls state track and field cham­pi­onship with a trans ath­lete.
  • Putin will be ter­ri­fied as the USAF goes on a woke hir­ing spree thatll see mul­ti­ple DEI man­agers hired for up to $180K a year. We laughed when they said Green New Deal, we laughed when they said Build Back Bet­ter and they passed both. Every agency has to com­ply with DEI to get fund­ing from the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion. If they havent already, they are hir­ing some­one in your schools under the DEI. It will be in coun­sel­ing and under men­tal health.
  • This morn­ing there were reports that the Ful­ton Co Grand Jury reviewed the phone con­ver­sa­tion between GA Speak­er David Ral­ston and Don­ald Trump about the 2020 elec­tion. Appar­ent­ly where Don­ald Trump asked Ral­ston to call for a spe­cial ses­sion. Who released the record­ing to the grand jury? Was this released from David Ral­ston from the grave? BKP spoke to Ral­ston after this call. And Ral­ston explained what could hap­pen and how it should hap­pen. Ral­ston told BKP that he would be shocked by the num­bers of repub­li­cans that would not sup­port the call for a spe­cial ses­sion. That the only way to get the spe­cial ses­sion was to have Bri­an Kemp call for the ses­sion. Don­ald Trump lost GA because the num­ber of peo­ple that pre­tend­ed to be Trump sup­port­ers were nev­er-Trump sup­port­ers and they dont plan to ever be Trump sup­port­ers in 2024.

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