Home / Shows / News never Reported: Abortion Pill, Bank Collapse, Fentanyl, GBT4, DeSantis, & more

News never Reported: Abortion Pill, Bank Collapse, Fentanyl, GBT4, DeSantis, & more

  • We are watch­ing today to see what he will do on the abor­tion pill. There are 20+ states that have signed on to the law­suit. If he strikes it down it will go to the Supreme Court. So the Supreme Court has said the Dobbs deci­sion was cor­rect. Wal­greens has stopped dis­trib­ut­ing the pill in the 20+ states. 
  • Remem­ber yes­ter­day we showed the inter­view of Biden hav­ing his epiphany on gay mar­riage. It was only a mat­ter of time that some­one would pull up all the videos of Biden oppos­ing gay mar­riage. How Biden opposed gay rights for 50 years after his high school epiphany when he saw 2 men kiss­ing. In 1973 he brand­ed homo­sex­u­als a secu­ri­ty risk and vot­ed against same-sex marriage. 
  • Face­book and Insta­gram used aggres­sive tac­tics tar­get­ed at chil­dren. Unredact­ed law­suit claims meta knew about child sex­u­al exploita­tion and exploit­ed extreme con­tent to dri­ve engage­ment. The law­suit alleges its plat­forms pro­vide a win­dow to preda­tors and employ­ees boost extreme content. 
  • You can not own a bank, own a cor­po­ra­tion, be on tv, win an oscar, unless you kiss a trans ass. Drew Bar­ry­more kneels at the feet of Biden’s favorite trans Tik­tok­er Dylan Mul­vaney in an interview. 
  • In a 2001 Sig­na­ture Bank com­mer­cial, the exec­u­tives boast­ed how the insti­tu­tion would nev­er “dimin­ish and fail”… as long as the democ­rats are in charge how could you. 
  • WSJ colum­nist Andy Kessler has the woke brigade trolling him and call­ing him a big­ot, racist and white suprema­cist for sug­gest­ing that the failed SVB board was dis­tract­ed by diver­si­ty demands as he writes on the num­ber of rea­sons why the bank collapsed. 
  • Fed is being slammed for miss­ing red flags at SVB which includ­ed its unusu­al­ly high lev­el of unin­sured deposits, invest­ments in long-term gov­ern­ment bonds and rapid post-pan­dem­ic growth. The only red flags that lib­er­als pay atten­tion to are the ones that stop you from pur­chas­ing a gun. 
  • Oh look… SVB, Sig­na­ture Bank and Cred­it Suisse donat­ed $1.2M to Dems since 2017 while giv­ing less than $750K to Repub­li­cans over the same peri­od. Need to see if those repub­li­cans could have been democrats
  • The bank where no one had a clue: only ONE mem­ber of the failed SVB’s board had back­ground in invest­ment bank­ing — the rest were Oba­ma and Clin­ton mega-donors.
  • Remem­ber Sig­na­ture Bank is in Mass. Bar­ney Frank for rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Mass­a­chu­setts served as chair­man of the House Finan­cial Ser­vices Com­mit­tee, the author of the Dodd-Frank Act which was sup­posed to keep the bank­ing sys­tem safe and couldn’t keep his bank from being one of the firsts to fall. Frank who hap­pens to be gay. Remem­ber when his boyfriend was run­ning a pros­ti­tu­tion ring from his apart­ment. Bar­ney Frank is a board mem­ber of the Sig­na­ture bank. It is no sur­prise that the Sig­na­ture Bank boss host­ed a com­pa­ny sem­i­nar on gen­der-neu­tral pro­nouns “Ze” and “Hir” just five months before becom­ing the third largest bank fail­ure in US his­to­ry. Keep this in mind. Watch for the emails that have the pro­nouns under the sig­na­ture line. That com­pa­ny is about to fail. 
  • Doesn’t this just rip your heart out. A 7 month old girl dies of fen­tanyl poi­son­ing at her grandmother’s home in PA. 
  • This is dan­ger­ous. ChatGBT2.0 cre­ator of AI bot launch­es an even more pow­er­ful ver­sion called GPT4 and admits it is so advanced it could harm society. 
  • Are we already there, have we been there for some time. What is the def­i­n­i­tion of truth? 
  • Top news on Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank: Chuck Schumer gives dona­tions linked to Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank to char­i­ty, Jonathan Tur­ley: Democ­rats seek to squelch speech on banks, Sig­na­ture Bank boss led sem­i­nar on gen­der-neu­tral pro­nouns like Ze and Hir. 
  • This is a smoke screen. Biden claims repub­li­cans in con­gress are call­ing for “defund­ing the police”. All lies. 
  • Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank pledged near­ly $74 mil­lion to Black Lives Mat­ter caus­es. All of these cor­po­ra­tions, pro­fes­sion­al ath­let­ic asso­ci­a­tions, had to pay up. They were threatened. 
  • Mega to cut anoth­er 10K jobs in a sec­ond round. 
  • When you are try­ing to hide things you throw a graph­ic up like this A poll on Police Pro­ce­dures in the US. Why is it impor­tant this morning?
  • Kevin McCarthy tweet­ing “Biden’s reck­less spend­ing caused record infla­tion and rapid inter­est rate hikes that broke fam­i­ly bud­gets and banks too. We must restore fis­cal sanity. 
  • They are los­ing their cook­ies over, Ron DeSan­tis says help­ing Ukraine is not a vital US inter­est. Head­lines today: “Con­cerns grow as Ukrain­ian casu­al­ties rise”. Biden is in a big mess. He is going to leave it to Chi­na. What is going to hap­pen if on Wednes­day of next week Chi­na has a ten­ta­tive deal for Rus­sia and Ukraine and Chi­na looks like a hero to the EU. Zelen­sky is look­ing for mon­ey. He knows that he is dry­ing up the mon­ey in the US. He will go where the next buck is. DeSan­tis said it is “becom­ing fur­ther entan­gled in a ter­ri­to­r­i­al dis­pute between Ukraine and Rus­sia is not one of them.” (a top secu­ri­ty issue of the US)
  • Open AI unleash­es new GPT4,  it can pass exams, pro­gram soft­ware, and do your taxes. 
  • DeSan­tis yakes Hyatt Regency Miami’s liquor license for host­ing a hol­i­day drag show with kids present. Call Mar­ty Kemp to stop the drag shows in GA. There is no such thing as a “fam­i­ly-friend­ly” drag show.
  • The rumor is that they have changed the lan­guage of the last para­graph of SB140. The state of GA repub­li­cans don’t put up leg­is­la­tion that pro­tects our kids. 
  • Noth­ing about this is true… Greg Bluestein tweet­ed on SB140, “The real­i­ty is this – if this bill pass­es, trans­gen­der chil­dren will die. This bill would not pro­tect chil­dren. It will do the oppo­site” said Leonar­do Hin­nant, an 18-year old trans­gen­der man from DeKalb County. 
  • Do your research on this, GA Sen­ate gives final approval to $1 bil­lion income tax rebate. So if you get $500 so you won’t pay atten­tion to Law­mak­ers approved Kemp’s request for $73.1 mil­lion to help train work­ers for the elec­tric vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ing plants being built in New­ton and Bryan coun­ties. Repub­li­cans in this ses­sion are not pro­tect­ing our kids from trans­gen­der muti­la­tion or tran­si­tion­ing behind the backs of par­ents. GA Repub­li­cans are wip­ing out stu­dent loan debt and try­ing to pass HB520, a men­tal health bill which is a total dis­as­ter and much worse than HB1013, last year’s men­tal health par­i­ty bill.
  • Trump and the J6 Prison Choir song hits #1 on iTunes over the weekend. 

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