Home / Shows / Dominion Is Suing Fox News Saying 1st Amendment Doesnt Cover Broadcasters

Dominion Is Suing Fox News Saying 1st Amendment Doesnt Cover Broadcasters

  • Domin­ion is suing Fox news. Mur­doch admits some fox news hosts endorsed false elec­tion fraud claims. We will see Fox News and their role in future elec­tions.
  • In the state of GA the major­i­ty of repub­li­can vot­ers would like to get rid of the vot­ing machines.
  • The first amend­ment gives free­dom of speech but does not shield broad­cast­ers from telling lines. So it is inter­est­ing because if the courts side and say that the first amend­ment does­nt shield news­cast­ers then it will be inter­est­ing.
  • 95 in snap ben­e­fits end today.
  • White house no more tik­tok on gov­ern­ment devices with­in 30 days. Is this the prob­lem?
  • Ron DeSan­tis is on a book tour that looks like a pres­i­den­tial tour. But he may not be able until all the leg­isla­tive ses­sions are com­plete. Same with Kemp.
  • DeSan­tis signs bill strip­ping dis­neys con­trol of Reedy Creek dis­trict. Flori­da gov­er­nor cel­e­brates the cor­po­rate king­dome com­ing to an end as the work behe­moth is ordered to repay $700M in debt. Cred­it to DeSan­tis for tak­ing on Dis­ney. It does show that he has a lot of strength.

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