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MSM Is Running Cover This Morning On The Tucker Carlson Jan 6 Coverage

  • When called upon
  • The media has lost their shit over the Tuck­er Carl­son report­ing. And the deep state heads are explod­ing. They have to get rid of Don­ald Trump. What real­ly stands out is the lev­el and the need to stop Don­ald Trump.
  • Every­thing is set up in the media. If you are watch­ing any cor­po­rate media fox includ­ed. They have an agen­da and a nar­ra­tive and when they arent able to set the nar­ra­tive their heads explode. All hell is break­ing loose amongst repub­li­cans and democ­rats, the deep state. Chris Sununu said that he had inter­nal polling that shows that Don­ald Trump cant win, not even the pri­ma­ry.
  • They have to run for cov­er so a new poll is out this morn­ing. But as of today Don­ald Trump will be the nom­i­nee. Trump sup­port­ers are the ones that have the con­ve­nience that Trump cant win. They have to give you an out. Paul Ryan even said that MAGA vot­ers know that Trump cant win. So deep state says that MAGA sup­port­ers need an out. Why even Tuck­er Carl­son hates Trump. Is that your out? Is that val­i­dat­ing what Paul Ryan is say­ing?
  • Get ready for what is com­ing. We are slap in the mid­dle of a war for the future of our coun­ty. They are lay­ing the scare tac­tic. Get ready for the next bat­tle cry. Get ready for the lay­out of the next stolen elec­tion.
  • Lar­ry Hogan warn­ing the GOP field say­ing not to get into the car wreck
  • There were 2 Amer­i­cans killed in Mex­i­co. The Mex­i­can gov­ern­ment detained some­one to appease the State Depart­ment. Joe Biden went to Sel­ma Alaba­ma to talk about the strug­gles in cross­ing the bridge. And we went to Poland say­ing that if Putin encroach­es 1 inch it will be an all out war. And we are send­ing f‑16s and Abrams tanks to ukraine. Why arent the net­works cov­er­ing that these are black Amer­i­cans killed in mex­i­co. The car­tels are run­ning the bor­der and killing Amer­i­cans. What is Joe Biden doing about it?

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