Home / Shows / Rob Cunningham and BKP Discuss Debt Is Nothing But The Inevitability Of Collapse

Rob Cunningham and BKP Discuss Debt Is Nothing But The Inevitability Of Collapse

  • We know this has been com­ing. So no mat­ter what Joe Biden says it will be a lie. We have not had mon­ey since 1933. We have debt. Every time mon­ey is put into the sys­tem it is debt that is the bur­den on the Amer­i­can peo­ple. The debt does noth­ing but the inevitabil­i­ty of the col­lapse. It has been a long road to bankruptcy. 
  • They will nev­er pay off the debt. Com­plete reset with bank­rupt­cy. Or default on the debt. The world knows we are in trou­ble. We took our trea­sures all around the world and Chi­na knows that. Chi­na is putting the olive branch out with Rus­sia and Ukraine. And the Chi­nese made a deal with the Saud­is and Iran. We are done worldwide. 
  • We are born into sys­tems of trust.  Every­one is being hon­est and there is open and trans­paren­cy. There would nev­er be a cam­paign to shut down the coun­try with a virus. 
  • The fed­er­al reserve is not fed­er­al so it is not Amer­i­can. It is a sov­er­eign ter­ri­to­ry in Lon­don. Who owns our mon­ey? When they set up the fed­er­al reserve, they want­ed to instill con­fi­dence in the Amer­i­can mon­ey. And they staged the offices in the dis­tricts in the US. 1933 the emer­gency bank­ing relief act that FDR signed it in. We are a cor­po­ra­tion not a nation. We have a for­eign enti­ty that owns our mon­e­tary sys­tem and our legal sys­tem. Legal is not law­ful. The US is ran by the con­sent of the Amer­i­can peo­ple and they have mas­tered the decep­tion of the Amer­i­can people. 
  • Kuwl.show is Rob’s website. 
  • In the Great Reset, you will own noth­ing and love it. But today, the great reset and the com­ing pos­si­ble WWIII, we are in the storm. A fear event is in process and they want us in a state of pan­ic and we want a sav­ior to end the pan­ic. Why would we turn to the peo­ple that are cre­at­ing a problem? 
  • Nev­er in his­to­ry has the cabal the cit­i­zen has ever red pilled them­selves. It is an alter­nate media, they don’t sen­sor tik­tok. They are los­ing the entire gen­er­a­tion, 16–29. 
  • We are in a nar­ra­tive war of truth vs lies. 
  • Don’t lose hope. Wall St/JP Mor­gan don’t want the one world gov­ern­ment and then you have Blackrock/WEF that do want the one world gov­ern­ment. They are fight­ing each other. 

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