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They Are Intentionally Trying To Collapse The Us In March. Didnt Covid Hit In March?

  • Call to action on HB520. We have to kill this bill.
  • None of the mon­ey has been real. They knew it was com­ing. They would let you get through Christ­mas.
  • HB 520 has a com­mit­tee hear­ing. Rhon­da Thomas: The Dan­gers of Geor­gia’s HB520 clear­ly bul­let points the dan­gers of the bill. The house has already passed it to the sen­ate. Call your sen­a­tors. The Wuhan Insti­tute of Virol­o­gy cre­at­ed a virus but the US gov­ern­ment cre­at­ed the men­tal health cri­sis in this coun­try.
  • Joe says he will hold those respon­si­ble for the run on the bank. He is the one respon­si­ble. T bonds are issued at month­ly online auc­tions then trad­ed active­ly in the sec­ondary mar­ket and can be pur­chased through a bank or bro­ker. Banks buy the t bonds with con­sumers deposit mon­ey.
  • All the inter­est rate hikes have only brought our infla­tion down to 6.4%. It is a far cry from the tar­get 2%. The big dif­fer­ence when the econ­o­my col­lapsed today is that there was no infla­tion. The infla­tion is a result of the $$$ pumped into due to COVID.
  • Mort­gage bal­ances reached $11.92 tril­lion in 2022
  • House­hold debt reached $16.9 tril­lion in 2022
  • We have com­mer­cial prop­er­ty in this coun­try that is in major default because peo­ple arent going back to work.
  • Biden will address the nation at 9am and it will all be lies. We know the deep state knew all along that this was hap­pen­ing. They have been wait­ing for one of these insti­tu­tions to show the crack.
  • When coupon pay­ments on short­er term Trea­sury bonds exceed the inter­est paid on longer term bonds, the result is an invert­ed yield curve. This occurred in 2022 and car­ried into 2023. Joene knew. Joe Biden knew. The deep state knew. When Janet Yellen opens her mouth it will be noth­ing but lies. When Cecil­ia Rouse (WH coun­cil on eco­nom­ic advi­sors) comes to the podi­um today it will be lies. Jerome Pow­ell knew that at any giv­en time that the inter­est rate hikes would cause this to hap­pen.
  • Your IRA and retire­ment fund is tied to this. They have to get the mon­ey from seniors.
  • Banks do oth­er things to keep the econ­o­my going. Times were not good. The Banks were get­ting free mon­ey that was print­ed through covid. You were putting in bor­rowed covid mon­ey. Banks parked a lot of the mon­ey in longer trea­sury bonds.
  • These peo­ple are inten­tion­al­ly try­ing to col­lapse our coun­try in March. Did­nt Covid hit in March?
  • The Chi­nese leader vows to build an army into a great wall of steel. You know what they know they know the inter­est on our debt equals our defense bud­get and we are in a mess.
  • Yellen knows every­thing that she is talk­ing about when it comes to the fed­er­al reserve because she was direc­tor of the Fed­er­al Reserve. She said that the fed­er­al reserve chair will decide where he wants the infla­tion and who will work and how many banks will col­lapse. If banks con­tin­ue to col­lapse, maybe we will need to bor­row more from the fed­er­al reserve.

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