Home / Shows / The Sickness in America: Lawmakers Dont Represent Back Home, Its the Back Room

The Sickness in America: Lawmakers Dont Represent Back Home, Its the Back Room

  • CPI — con­sumer price index comes out this morn­ing. They will paint the cpi as pos­i­tive and going in the right direc­tion. All the num­bers are altered and arent true indi­ca­tors of what is real­ly going on. In the SBV col­lapse of the bank, they are talk­ing about Pow­ell and whether they will slow down inter­est rates now because of the pres­sure on the banks. All the manip­u­la­tion yes­ter­day was to lead you to believe that every­thing is ok and not to pan­ic. And leave you at the end of the day that it is all work­ing and Pow­ell will slow down on the inter­est rates.
  • After the col­lapse in 2010, the FDIC had to revamp its reg­u­la­tion. And they increased the FDIC insur­ance. Yet the admin­is­tra­tion is guar­an­tee­ing the mon­ey in SVB. The tech firm Roku deposit­ed $487M at SVB.
  • They want you to put your mon­ey in the big four. And when all else fails, blame Trump.
  • HB 520 has to die. It is a men­tal health bill.
  • We have to get back to pro­tect­ing our chil­dren. We need to be the ones in our plat­form to iden­ti­fy nor­mal and clear hous­es. In the repub­li­can par­ty we have the mes­sage. We need to be proud that we have the mes­sage. We need to be bold and loud because it is not a polit­i­cal issue. Amer­i­ca wants nor­mal.
  • Med­ical com­mu­ni­ty blasts GA bill tar­get­ing trans­gen­der kids. SB140. SB140 would not ban med­ica­tion that slows or stops puber­ty. Docs would not be allowed to per­form surg­eries on chil­dren. In the bill the final para­graph states that a licensed physi­cian who vio­lates this Code sec­tion shall be held admin­is­tra­tive­ly account­able to the board for such vio­la­tions but shall not be held civil­ly liable for dam­ages to any per­son in any civ­il or admin­is­tra­tive action or crim­i­nal­ly respon­si­ble for injury death or loss to per­son or prop­er­ty on the basis that such physi­cian did or did not com­ply with this code sec­tion.
  • The sick­ness in Amer­i­ca. We cant let the peo­ple in con­trol muti­late our kids. Our law­mak­ers in Atlanta are gut­less and only inter­est­ed in the lob­by­ist. They dont rep­re­sent back home. They rep­re­sent a back room.
  • Biden called Flori­da laws tar­get­ing trans­gen­der peo­ple sin­ful.

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