Home / Shows / Trump Base Is Strong While Media Is Telling You Trump Cant Win

Trump Base Is Strong While Media Is Telling You Trump Cant Win

  • CT school lunch lady 31 is charged with sex­u­al­ly assault­ing stu­dent 14 after tex­ting him say­ing wan­na see some­thing then bom­bard­ing him with nudes.
  • The media every­day tells you that Don­ald Trump cant get elect­ed. We know every­thing was a lie. If Trump is the nom­i­nee, he will be reelect­ed. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are get­ting the infor­ma­tion. Trump made mis­takes in his first term. He had some swampy repub­li­cans that led him in the begin­ning. They are very ner­vous right now because Trump did a very good job lay­ing out what he is plan­ning to do. Trump is talk­ing about the issues. They are wait­ing for him to attack cer­tain peo­ple and he is not doing it yet. There are peo­ple expos­ing the cor­rup­tion and Trump is expe­ri­enced and he knows the good and bad and knows who can do the job. One thing that he guar­an­teed you was that it would be Amer­i­ca First, he will not waiv­er.
  • The media is work­ing as hard as they can try­ing to start a fight between Ron DeSan­tis and Don­ald Trump.
  • Karl Rove to Trump: Just move on. You did­nt win. We know that in 2020 Trump won. Every sin­gle day the media ran an elec­tion denier, abor­tion, a Trump endorsed can­di­date, sav­ing the democ­ra­cy, and the Jan 6 com­mit­tee with prime time tv to steal anoth­er elec­tion. We should have won the sen­ate.
  • Don­ald Trump recipe for elec­tion fail­ure by Charles Cooke from Nation­al Review.
  • Trump says he can end the war in 24 hours, unsure if he can do it but Chi­na has a peace plan, where is our gov­ern­ment.
  • Ron DeSan­tis is being propped up by Fox News. But Trump’s base is strong. Paul Ryan is say­ing the more that is in the race it will dilute the vote. Paul wants you to believe that MAGA sup­port­ers are in the cor­ners whis­per­ing that Trump might not win.

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