Home / Shows / BKP on the Tucker Jan 6 Report, Cartel Running Mexico, Crossover Ga Laws

BKP on the Tucker Jan 6 Report, Cartel Running Mexico, Crossover Ga Laws

  • Tuck­er has released his report on the 41,000 hours of tape from the Jan 6 event. Remem­ber they showed you polling that sav­ing the democ­ra­cy polled high and how frag­ile our democ­ra­cy was to the tune of manip­u­lat­ing the elec­tion, dri­ving the narrative. 
  • QAnon Shaman got 4 years. This was not an insur­rec­tion. The Capi­tol Police was set up by Nan­cy Pelosi know­ing the crowd would be there. They mur­dered Ash­li Bab­bit. Offi­cer Sick­nick on his med­ical records says that he did not die from any­thing that hap­pened at the Capitol. 
  • And our news media can’t say Antifa, 23 out of town­ers that threw molo­tov cock­tails on cop city. 
  • Biden can’t make it up and down the stairs of Air Force One. 
  • The media is stunned that the drug car­tels run Mex­i­co. 4 Amer­i­cans kid­napped in Mex­i­co ID as friends trav­el­ing for tum­my tuck. We have a war assem­bled on our south­ern bor­der. The Ranch­er had to pro­tect his ranch for shoot­ing the drug run­ner and had to post a mil­lion dol­lar bail for killing the ille­gal. Mer­rick Gar­land is not at the bor­der say­ing that the car­tel is respon­si­ble for the sov­er­eign­ty of our coun­try, no he is in Kyiv. They are report­ing on the kid­nap­ping as it was a mis­tak­en identity. 
  • We are done. Gavin New­som says Cal­i­for­nia won’t be doing busi­ness with Wal­greens for ban­ning sale of abor­tion pills in 20 con­ser­v­a­tive states as he slams the com­pa­ny for cow­er­ing to extrem­ists. Wal­greens made a cor­po­rate deci­sion to end the dis­tri­b­u­tion to the 20 states in lieu of the judges orders in Texas. 
  • GA sto­ry with nation­al impli­ca­tions. Yes­ter­day was crossover day, all the bills got their final votes and swap cham­bers. Activists need to look at what crossed over and switch gears. HB520 made it to the sen­ate. In the next 2 days we are going to high­light and give you every rea­son why it has to die in the sen­ate. Call your state Sen­a­tors office and State Rep. Don’t com­plain, make the calls to your lawmakers. 
  • Sports Bet­ting bill stalls in GA leg­is­la­ture. Spe­cial thanks to Moms against Gam­bling for all their work to stop sports bet­ting. Geor­gians have been told for years, if there would be sports bet­ting in GA it would be a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment there­fore it would be put on a bal­lot. The lob­by­ist and the mon­ey is strong. They were try­ing to make these bills look like the lot­tery. A con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment relat­ed to sports bet­ting flamed out in the Sen­ate ear­li­er in the day and a house mea­sure to legal­ize gam­ing with­out a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment nev­er came up for a vote. Don’t try to hide gam­bling under the veil of lot­tery. It was always promised to the cit­i­zens of GA that it would go to the bal­lot for a vote. There will be anoth­er push in 2024. BKP is unsure if Mar­ty would have let Bri­an Kemp sign the bill. 
  • GA sen­ate pass­es bill SB140 to lim­it treat­ment for trans­gen­der youth. It passed down the par­ty line vote. SB140 does not ban med­ica­tion that slows or stops puber­ty but it would ban health care pro­fes­sion­als from giv­ing hor­mones such as estro­gen or testos­terone to trans­gen­der minors. All the oth­er states (OK, TN, MS) that have a ban on trans­gen­der treat­ment for youth have teeth with a crim­i­nal penal­ty. The LGBTQ are not protest­ing because there aren’t any teeth to the bill. It needs a crim­i­nal penalty. 
  • We don’t wait for the gov­ern­ment to release eco­nom­ic indi­ca­tors. Ongo­ing res­i­den­tial real estate mar­ket slug­gish­ness begins to take on toll broth­ers, a Fort Wash­ing­ton lux­u­ry home devel­op­er. New home orders dropped 50% over last year. The con­tracts that have been signed the val­ues have dipped 51% over the same period. 

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