Home / Shows / Truth News: Digital Currency, MI RTW law, Trump MugShot, China Colonization & more

Truth News: Digital Currency, MI RTW law, Trump MugShot, China Colonization & more

  • We have Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank. and we know that our gov­ern­ment is tak­ing our tax dol­lars to bail out banks to insure the mon­ey of the peo­ple that Biden says arent pay­ing their fair share. So he took the mon­ey we paid to pay them. Make sense???
  • Michi­gan Sen­ate approves repeal of the right to work law and the return of pre­vail­ing wage.
  • BOA rakes in $15B as pan­icked cus­tomers ditch small­er lenders for too big to fail firms in wake of SVB cri­sis. Are we on the edge of a dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy? So many stores dont take cash, we dont car­ry cash, do they have you ready for dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy.
  • When did the grand jury get the audio between Ral­ston and Trump? Was Ral­ston aware of it being shared?
  • The DOJ and SEC are now inves­ti­gat­ing SVB fail­ure. How much of that do you believe?
  • Trump extends lead over DeSan­tis to 14 points. At 5am this morn­ing the news­cy­cle was what would hap­pen if Trump were indict­ed. Are you wait­ing on the Trump mug shot? If Trump gets indict­ed and a mug shot is gen­er­at­ed his rat­ing will sky­rock­et.
  • We were told that Putin gave the green light to down our drone. Who do you trust, our media or Putin?
  • We are wait­ing for the abor­tion law­suit in TX to restrict med­ical pills nation­wide. In COVID, most Amer­i­cans got com­fort­able with telemed­i­cine. Now about 54% of abor­tions are get­ting done through telemed­i­cine with the abor­tion pill. NO Phys­i­cal con­tact and no true exam of the woman on whether the pill could harm the woman.
  • Stacey Abrams says she will like­ly run again. That does­nt excite some democ­rats. She knows that the state is about to flip and she knows her force could come in next time.
  • Mark Zucker­berg hints he could end work from home entire­ly for Meta staffers after reveal­ing those who came into the office worked more effi­cient­ly.
  • Cred­it Suisse tur­moil sparks city pan­ic: Swiss Nation­al Bank inter­venes with $54B loan to prop up cri­sis-hit lender after its shares plunged 30%… is this going world wide? Won­der if we will have a one world cur­ren­cy
  • Chi­na has launched hun­dreds of satel­lites to tar­get us: Space­force chief reveals Bei­jing is devel­op­ing anti-satel­lite mis­siles, elec­tron­ic jam­mers and lasers, the PLA (Peo­ple’s Lib­er­a­tion Army) has 347 orbit­ing craft that can gath­er intel­li­gence on Amer­i­can armed forces accord­ing to Chance Saltz­man, US Space Force Gen­er­al.
  • Chi­na is work­ing to col­o­nize the world. South Korea and Japan are hav­ing meet­ings and North Korea ICBM mis­siles could hit the cen­tral US in 33 min­utes due to gaps in Amer­i­c­as mis­sile defense kill chain, Chi­na claims.
  • Ukrain­ian sol­diers admit­ting­ly say, I know Im being sent to my death, we are just get­ting killed as they defend Bakhmut and say Rus­sia can already taste vic­to­ry.
  • Is it next week or some­time next week that Xi and Zelen­sky will meet? Xi has had a con­ver­sa­tion with Putin and put a 12 point peace plan. And now this com­ing week Xi is going to be talk­ing to Zelen­sky. Maybe there will be a peace plan. Maybe they will be a colony of Chi­na and that way they won’t have to say they are part of rus­sia. Xi is say­ing that he will cre­ate a bet­ter world order. Fresh off a leg­isla­tive con­gress where he cement­ed his vision for gov­ern­ing Chi­na, Xi Jin­ping turned to how he would cre­ate a bet­ter world order. It would be based on mutu­al respect, tol­er­ance and equal­i­ty and Chi­na would be its nat­ur­al leader.
  • Fed­er­al Agency Focused on Left­ist pol­i­tics and pro­nouns as gross mis­man­age­ment put cyber­se­cu­ri­ty at risk You dont say?
  • Democ­rats now sym­pa­thize more with Pales­tini­ans that Israelis, poll finds
  • When scary good AI gets even bet­ter. Tues­days release of Open AIs new GPT‑4 is a fresh reminder of just how unpre­pared we are to deal with these new machines.
  • Google flex­es its health care AI mus­cle, Google showed off an array of new arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence dri­ven health care tools on Tues­day, from a souped up chat­bot that can shed light on your med­ical symp­toms to enhanced search fea­tures that tell you if a doc­tor takes Med­ic­aid.
  • The $32M Reaper drone downed by a Russ­ian jet has sunk, claims US. Mil­ley says it prob­a­bly sank to some sig­nif­i­cant depths so any recov­ery oper­a­tion from a tech­ni­cal stand­point would be very dif­fi­cult. If all else fails and you want to manip­u­late the news­cy­cle just down a $32M drone.
  • Do you believe sports are rigged? Last year $3B was spent on this tour­na­ment in sports bet­ting. This year $15B is pro­ject­ed to be spent, you think the pow­ers that be will allow that to be unma­nip­u­lat­ed.
  • We will talk about tomor­row. Michi­gan State approves repeal of right-to-work law, return of pre­vail­ing wage. Will Joe Biden union­ize employ­ment? This admin­is­tra­tion will not give out a $1 unless your orga­ni­za­tion has the union patch. The pro­pos­al passed along par­ty lines mark­ing a turn­ing point in Michi­gan pol­i­tics as Democ­rats who won majori­ties last fall in the House and Sen­ate for the first time in 40 years, began to unrav­el poli­cies that Repub­li­cans con­sid­ered among their top achieve­ments in the past decade.

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