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Three Historic Events Predicted This Week

  • Three His­toric Events that may hap­pen this week: 1 — XI in Moscow. 2- the world wide col­lapse of the bank­ing sys­tem 3- the arrest of Don­ald J Trump. There will be some­thing hap­pen­ing this week that will change the world as we know it for gen­er­a­tions.
  • We are in the final stages of the GA leg­is­la­tion. The video will answer the ques­tions about GA. This video will show just how low a repub­li­can in GA will go.
  • There have been calls for protests. The protest does not need to turn vio­lent.
  • Amer­i­ca, You are being set up. This is a time for repub­li­cans to ban togeth­er. The charge against Trump is a mis­de­meanor. All repub­li­cans should ban togeth­er to call out the injus­tice against Trump.
  • Eliz­a­beth War­ren was on the Sun­day shows talk­ing about cen­tral­iz­ing the banks. Feds and oth­er cen­tral banks overnight band to keep mon­ey flow­ing using liq­uid­i­ty swap lines. Swap lines allow oth­er cen­tral banks to bor­row dol­lars from the FEd in exchange for their own local cur­ren­cies. The for­eign cen­tral banks can then sup­ply dol­lars local­ly to ease any strains. The change will con­tin­ue at least through the end of April, the Fed said. Cen­tral banks announce coor­di­nat­ed efforts to boost US dol­lar liq­uid­i­ty.
  • It is not just a bank in sil­i­con val­ley, it is not just Cred­it Suisse. It is world wide. They used Covid to crash this world econ­o­my. They used covid to crash the sys­tem across the world. The liq­uid­i­ty Swap Line is to be used dai­ly now to boost the con­fi­dence in the bank­ing sys­tem. There is a major prob­lem world wide. There is not a sen­a­tor, any mem­bers of the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives, no pres­i­dent with any out­rage. They have no pow­er in this. The Fed­er­al reserve is inde­pen­dent, noth­ing has to go before the law­mak­ers.

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