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Why Is Kemp Wanting To Leave The State Party Behind?

  • We have some things going on in the next year polit­i­cal­ly. There are some things we need to keep an eye on.
  • Why is Kemp want­i­ng to leave the state par­ty behind? Why does he want to do that? Or Is he try­ing to take the par­ty in a cer­tain direc­tion? You have to get involved in your state’s gop. They are try­ing to box trump com­plete­ly out and take the deci­sion from the peo­ple. So is Kemp try­ing to take the GOP in a dif­fer­ent direc­tion. IN GA Kemp is going to start work­ing to get cer­tain peo­ple in the GA GOP and move it away from sup­port­ing or work­ing with Trump to win GA.
  • Kemp heads to Texas for nation­al donor retreat. Kemp is expand­ing his nation­al polit­i­cal reach by going to DC, Davos and now going to Austin to par­tic­i­pate at a pri­vate GOP retreat. Who are the nation­al donors that Kemp went to Texas to see Karl Rove. Kemp is right in line with Karl Rove.
  • BKP wants to get on the inside to see what is going on to make sure that if Don­ald Trump is the nom­i­nee that he gets elect­ed. And so that Kemp and Karl Rove dont try to derail Trump.
  • This week­end is CPAC. Every­one is going some­where this week­end.
  • Matt Schlapp is being accused of fondling a mail cam­paign staffer in GA. Some peo­ple are stay­ing clear of CPAC. Gen­er­al­ly that is the place to go. Trump will be there. Nik­ki Haley, Mike Pom­peo, Elise Ste­fanik, Mar­gorie Tay­lor Greene, Ted Cruz are going.
  • Repub­li­cans going to the Club for Growth retreat is mov­ing away from Trump. In atten­dance will be DeSan­tis, Pence, Nik­ki Haley, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Rick Scott, Chris Sununu.
  • Bri­an Kemp is attempt­ing to work with Karl Rove and oth­ers to stop Don­ald Trump and we need some­one on the inside to make sure we

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