Home / Shows / Legislative Call To Action On HB520 in GA. Grassroots Needs To Stop HB520

Legislative Call To Action On HB520 in GA. Grassroots Needs To Stop HB520

  • Buck­head City is a prob­lem nation­wide. Bri­an Kemp would nev­er make a com­mit­ment to sup­port the split in Buck­head.
  • The media went crazy when MTG said we need a nation­al divorce. NOt that they are the same but every city in Amer­i­ca has pock­ets of afflu­ent wealthy com­mu­ni­ties that are the dri­ving force of the tax base, a Buck­head. If this was suc­cess­ful, watch what hap­pens in Port­land.
  • Leg­isla­tive call to action on HB520. There is a rea­son why they want­ed to keep BKP out of Atlanta. Dur­ing the pri­ma­ry BKP would talk about the 76 page HB1013. Now the new men­tal health bill is HB520. It is an attack on lib­er­ty. You need to call your state house rep and let them know. Watch the inter­view with Mal­lo­ry Sta­ples. HB520 is 51 pages long. It will cre­ate a huge bureau­cra­cy to strip lib­er­ties from Geor­gians. We must put a stop to this bill.
  • Ron DeSan­tis signs a bill plac­ing Dis­ney under strict con­trol.
  • Janet Yellen vis­its Kyiv. When was the last time you saw the trea­sury sec­re­tary deliv­er­ing the mon­ey her­self. We are doing every­thing for Zelen­sky.
  • Fet­ter­man is still at Wal­ter Reed deal­ing with clin­i­cal depres­sion but his wife and kids are flee­ing to Cana­da.

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