Home / Shows / Yellen In Ukraine Giving $1.2B Of The $10B For Ukraine Government Employees

Yellen In Ukraine Giving $1.2B Of The $10B For Ukraine Government Employees

  • Change the name to a demo­c­rat and it would have been a full 24 hour news cycle. MTG was attacked in a restau­rant by an insane woman and screamed at by her adult son while work­ing with her staff.
  • Yellen deliv­ered $1.2B part of $10B for gov­ern­ment staff and civ­il ser­vants. We are pay­ing for their mil­i­tary. US trea­sury announces expand­ed sanc­tions on Rus­sia.
  • Blinken in Cen­tral Asian nations in wake of Ukraine anniver­sary. Because they have not denounced Rus­sia or showed sup­port for Ukraine. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is scared to death that Chi­na will make a deal with Zelen­sky to rebuild his coun­try. Zelen­sky is say­ing every­thing is off the table if it is not Crimea. Did Zelen­sky say that Chi­na is call­ing and they say they have a plan? Biden goes to Kyiv and Poland meets with the Buger­est 9. Chi­na sends their peo­ple to Rus­sia and then Chi­na goes to Zelen­sky about a peace plan.
  • Hun­gary demands a UN inves­ti­ga­tion into the scan­dalous attack on nord stream pipelines.
  • NOw Yellen shows up with 1.2B while Blinken is in cen­tral asian coun­tries. They are afraid that they are going to make a deal with Rus­sia and Chi­na.
  • You dont get the truth from the media. We are pay­ing Ukraines bills.
  • In one report 1000s of Rus­sians are dying, the oth­er report is that Rus­sia is giv­ing up. They want you to believe that Ukraine is win­ning the war. They cant let you think that the mon­ey you’re send­ing to Ukraine is use­less.
  • Putin clos­es in on his first major war vic­to­ry for six months. Ukraine admits the sit­u­a­tion is extreme­ly tense as Rus­sia steps up assault on Bakhmut and moves to cut off sup­ply lines forc­ing a sur­ren­der.

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