Home / Shows / Why Now? New Intel: Covid Leaked From Wuhan Lab

Why Now? New Intel: Covid Leaked From Wuhan Lab

  • We have a virus that was released from a gain func­tion lab in Chi­na, pos­si­bly fund­ed by our peo­ple. We have a world­wide shut down and the media report­ing the chaos of the Trump admin­is­tra­tion.
  • SB202- noth­ing has changed. Zuck­er bucks can still give mon­ey to the coun­ties and the mon­ey can go into the coun­ty board of elec­tions. They stole the elec­tion.
  • While they are mak­ing this virus a world­wide pan­dem­ic. The trump white house is sup­posed to be in total chaos and big phar­ma comes in with fau­ci to cre­ate the vac­cine to fight the virus. And we find out that Pfiz­er is mutat­ing the virus so they can cre­ate a new boost­er.
  • We locked our kids down, and they are behind in every­thing. And you won­der why men­tal health issues are a prob­lem in the US.
  • Amer­i­cans want­ed to return to nor­mal.
  • The whole idea in 2020 was to shut down and Biden pro­vid­ed sta­bil­i­ty.
  • Fed­er­al judge can block access to the abor­tion pill today.
  • It does­n’t add up the death of an Epstein linked Clin­ton aide found shot tied to a tree.
  • BKP is run­ning for 1st Vice Chair.
  • Kemp moves to take com­mand of the GOP leav­ing the state par­ty behind.
  • Chi­na has offered a peace plan. What if Chi­na released this virus and crush­es the world’s econ­o­my? Every­thing is in tur­moil. Biden gets elect­ed. Putin goes into Ukraine and Chi­na is prepar­ing for tai­wan. And we send all these weapons and mon­ey to Ukraine and the year after the fact Chi­na swoops in to make a peace plan with Rus­sia and ukraine. It is not a coin­ci­dence that they release the infor­ma­tion on the covid virus com­ing from wuhan.

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