BKP And Mallory Staples Talk About GA Legislation HB 520 And HB 266
- House 585, senate 286 bills
- Mafia style behavior that takes place under the Dome in Atlanta
- HB266 is a medical freedom bill to ban vaccine passports and masks. The chairwoman and vice chair have an incredible amount of power and they decide which bill lives or dies.
- The bigger fight will be the most terrifying bill that has hit the house. Every single citizen should be aware and actively fighting hb520. They are trying to add the stuff back that was stripped out last year. 3 sections on 520. It makes it easier to confine people involuntarily. Someone would be able to be held for 5 years without due process of law. The largest expansion of medicaid ever in GA. If anyone goes to college to study anything under mental health it is required for the tax payer to pay for the college bills.
- HB1013 was the mental health bill that got passed in the house and squashed in the senate.
- We have a new speaker, Jon Burns. We were hoping that there would be some committee changes and how bills are presented to the floor. GA has been in lockdown for the past 10 years. There was a lot of hope that Jon Burns would function differently. Although he has been more approachable, it doesn’t look like any change has happened.
- Sharon Cooper will not bring it to the floor. HB266 medical freedom bill. Cooper will not let anything from Charlese Bryd go to the floor. Apparently this has been a problem with Sharon Cooper, chair of the health committee.
- The peoples voice is not being heard.
- Everything about mental health is the catch phrase. And they have to develop a huge mental health bureaucracy and evaluate you kids. There will be a director of the GA analytics center, all data of Georgians will go through this center.
- HB293 2nd amendment protection act. Prevent law enforcement from enforcing bidens bans.
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