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Are Your Deposits Safe?

  • Are your deposits safe this morn­ing? Accord­ing to Janet Yellen we dont have a pol­i­cy in place to pro­tect every­one in Amer­i­ca. But accord­ing to Jerome Pow­ell there is some­thing in place.
  • If you are cap­tured will you say Biden won a free and fair elec­tion? BKP will not.
  • Trump legal bomb: Trump defense lawyer wont admit he lost GA amid immi­nent charg­ing deci­sion. Lawyers for Don­ald Trump asked a GA court to sup­press the report of a spe­cial pur­pose grand jury that inves­ti­gat­ed alleged efforts by Trump and his allies to over­turn the results of the 2020 elec­tion­we just want to know what actu­al­ly hap­pened.
  • The feds raised the rate a quar­ter point.
  • Jurys Outchaos at court as Trump grand jury hear­ing can­celed, Bragg now con­cerned about indict­ment and ADAs are shak­ing their heads. The grand jury is going to make the deci­sion, not the DA. The Grand Jury did­nt show up yes­ter­day They are sup­posed to show up today. The ADAs are telling the DA that there is noth­ing there to charge Trump.
  • For those like Ron, you like him as Gov­er­nor of FL. DeSan­tis Ukraine u‑turn: now says his ter­ri­to­r­i­al dis­pute com­ments were mis­char­ac­ter­ized, calls Putin a war crim­i­nal and says Rus­sia is basi­cal­ly a gas sta­tion with a nuclear weapon. We dont have time for on the job train­ing. We dont have time for some­one to take 3–4 days to craft a response. We need some­one that knows what needs to be done and ready to make a state­ment and stick with it. Ron may have stepped in it and it shows that he may strug­gle with for­eign pol­i­cy.
  • We have had times when we need­ed a pres­i­dent that could deal with things at home and there were times when we need­ed some­one with for­eign pol­i­cy. We need a pres­i­dent that can han­dle the world on the world stage.
  • Trump is lead­ing the polls as the GOP nom­i­nee in 2024.
  • Its Tik­Tok day! Tik­tok must go. Tik­tok on the hot seat. If we were spend­ing as much time look­ing at the Biden crime fam­i­ly as we are tik­tok where would we be. When there is smoke some­thing is hid­ing. Tik­tok CEO faces con­gress amid calls to ban the app, say­ing ByteDance is not an agent of Chi­na or any oth­er coun­try. We must sat­u­rate the air­waves with Tik­tok.
  • You cant run a busi­ness when peo­ple are poop­ing on your porch. Port­land res­i­dents reveal how hip­ster city has trans­formed into a law­less hellscape thanks to the home­less cri­sis, ram­pant drug use and woke poli­cies. In 2020 they passed a bill to decrim­i­nal­ize recre­ation­al drug use poli­cies.
  • The Dai­ly Beast: How to pay off a porn star for dum­mies.
  • Your bank has to pay atten­tion to the Trea­sury bonds because some­thing about this caused the bank­ing sys­tem into hay­wire. The losers yes­ter­day: First Repub­lic Bank, Com­er­i­ca, Lin­coln Nation­al, M&T Bank
  • What the fed rate hike means for your wal­let: a quar­ter point increase will add $1.7 bil­lion to us cred­it bills over the next year. What is con­cern­ing in an econ­o­my 46% month to month is car­ry­ing cred­it card debt. How many peo­ple are now pay­ing the min­i­mum pay­ment? Remem­ber a mech­a­nism to con­trol infla­tion, is to increase rates to slow the econ­o­my down to slow infla­tion to get to the 2%. The rate is the high­est in 16 years.
  • Yellen pulls the rug out from Pow­ell’s Dovish Promis­es. Yellen says that we cant cov­er all depos­i­tors. Pow­ell says the bank­ing sys­tem is safe. The UK infla­tion rate makes a sur­prise leap as the out­look for gov­ern­ment finances is still grim. Rate hits 10.4% in Feb­ru­ary titling back up after recent falls in fig­ures. The UK is fol­low­ing the same poli­cies of the Fed­er­al Reserve.
  • Bank fail­ures deep­en debt ceil­ing stale­mate on Capi­tol Hill as the clock ticks
  • Pow­ell says we have to bring infla­tion down to 2%. We are over 6 and there are cer­tain areas of the econ­o­my that are not added in that are much high­er. If banks fail and peo­ple lose their jobs and lose their homes and vehi­cles, where are we then?
  • Tes­la is going to lose the $7500 tax cred­it because their bat­ter­ies come from Chi­na
  • If you are talk­ing about the debt ceil­ing, it’s a for­mal­i­ty. Do you under­stand when this is going on and you have a trea­sury chair that says they are.. The fdic is a board. And the fed­er­al reserve they are look­ing at safe­guards for reg­u­la­tion. Every­thing that is hap­pen­ing is not requir­ing a law by the US gov­ern­ment. The fdic and fed­er­al reserve is mak­ing deci­sions. Janet Yellen is say­ing that is not true, we do not have a pol­i­cy with fdic to cov­er every deposit unless you are an elite.
  • While all the world’s prob­lems will be solved if we just ban Tik­tok. There is some­thing bad wrong that this is the cri­sis that stands out the most.
  • Its only March March is when they let it unrav­el.

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