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News of the Day: China, Russian Interception, Age of AI, Economy and more

  • Remem­ber Chi­na just fin­ished a peace agree­ment between Iran and Sau­di. Keep up with what Chi­na has done in Africa and the man made islands. And we have basi­cal­ly giv­en Iraq to Iran and Afghanistan to Chi­na. Xi deliv­ers a chill­ing mes­sage for the west as he tells dear friend Putin change is com­ing that has­n’t hap­pened in 100 years and we are dri­ving it
  • Remem­ber that we are send­ing anoth­er $350 mil­lion in equip­ment aid to Ukraine and a Russ­ian fight­er jet inter­cepts two Amer­i­can nuclear bombers over the Black Sea. And Why is Poland still doing busi­ness with Rus­sia being the 3rd largest exporter to Rus­sia. Pol­ish exports are worth bil­lions with only Ger­many and Italy export­ing more.
  • They are laugh­ing at Joe Biden and Blinken, US Sec­re­tary of State, who is going around the world try­ing to find allies. And Zelen­sky is reach­ing out to Chi­na? Ukraine appears will­ing to engage Chi­na in medi­a­tion efforts to end the war.
  • There is a planned phone call between Xi and Zelen­sky. We dont want you to believe there is a planned phone call. Only 1 peace plan out there and it is not from Amer­i­ca.
  • The bot­tom line is Rus­sia is block­ing off all the water from Ukraine.
  • The US calls XIs Moscow vis­it diplo­mat­ic cov­er for Rus­sias War. Putin signed an agree­ment with Xis peace­ful set­tle­ment for Ukraine.
  • Chi­na is buy­ing up Russ­ian ener­gy like coal, oil and gas. Putin and Xi have made an eco­nom­ic gov­ern­ment deal to be in place until 2030. Be care­ful of all the devel­op­ments that are tak­ing place with Chi­na.
  • Mean­while, in the US, Dem-led Col­orado city bans new gas sta­tions in bid to tack­le cli­mate change; now lim­it­ed to six in a town of 21K peo­ple. You have to start run­ning for city coun­cil, coun­ty com­mis­sion­er, board of edu­ca­tion. You have to get the guts to do it . They are putting a stop to gas sta­tions. We will have a world of per­mits.
  • Accord­ing to Bill Gates, the Age of AI has begun. Gates believes that Ope­nAIs lan­guage gen­er­a­tion arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence tools will be at the fore­front of the next tech­no­log­i­cal rev­o­lu­tion. Com­pa­nies mak­ing phone num­bers hard­er to find. They are mak­ing sure that you cant speak to any­one in cus­tomer ser­vice. We did a seg­ment on the show where AI can take over cus­tomer ser­vice. You will speak to it and It will craft a solu­tion and you will not be able to deci­pher if it is a real per­son or not. You will be amazed with AI
  • In the biden admin­is­tra­tion, it will be hard­er to have a pet as pet expens­es are creep­ing up. The mar­ket share of low cost goods is increas­ing which include appar­el appli­ances, books, elec­tron­ics, fur­ni­ture and bed­ding, gro­ceries, home and gar­den, per­son­al care prod­ucts, sup­port­ing goods, tools and home improve­ment, toys, etc.
  • What will the Fed do? Will they increase rates by 25 or 50 basis points? If Pow­ell does noth­ing and not go with any more inter­est rate hikes. Is that a mes­sage say­ing there we are about to have some prob­lems. There is a bal­anc­ing act on what the mes­sag­ing will be.
  • They dont stop. Man gets 4 years for attack­ing police at J6.
  • McConnell phones Sen­ate repub­li­cans who say hes eager to be back after his long hos­pi­tal stay for appar­ent con­cus­sion.
  • Three Bank Fail­ures in One Week dur­ing the Strongest Econ­o­my in 40 years. Keep drink­ing the kool aid and blam­ing the orange man. Here is the bot­tom line: you can be free if you will say Biden won a free and fair elec­tion.

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