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Did Trump Save Florida? Where Is The Loyalty?

  • You are hear­ing about Don­ald Trump’s loy­al­ty.
  • Good Morn­ing Bri­an as the ole say­ing goes, I would­nt count the chick­ens, before they hatch DeSan­tis def­i­nite­ly has a shot at win­ning the nom­i­na­tion for President!…when a non-announced can­di­date is lead­ing and tied (New Hamp­shire 39–39) in ear­ly pri­ma­ry polling, that sends a clear mes­sage that many vot­ers are tired of con­tin­ued whin­ing about the past, and are ready for new strong, proven lead­er­ship, with­out a bag­gage trail DeSan­tis thats about his record and future, rather than con­stant­ly whin­ing about not get­ting his way, and for that Im extreme­ly thank­ful Trump reminds me of a school yard bul­ly. I for one am tired of the con­stant bash­ing any, and every­thing that does­nt go his way.if Trump ends up as GOP nom­i­nee, then Ill vote for him again, how­ev­er cur­rent­ly have no desire to help him get the nom­i­na­tion. By the way, I enjoy you morn­ing broad­cast from ChatsworthEd­ward
  • Why is Ron DeSan­tis run­ning against Don­ald Trump? The nar­ra­tive is that Don­ald Trump isnt able to win the gen­er­al elec­tion and Ron has a chance? Who is push­ing DeSan­tis into this race to divide the repub­li­cans?
  • The media says that Trump cant win the gen­er­al elec­tions. BKP is say­ing that DeSan­tis cant win a gen­er­al elec­tion. If DeSan­tis is labeled as a dis­loy­al. The peo­ple dont like the dis­loy­al­ty. Trump comes from a world where loy­al­ty counts. We dont have a coun­try where loy­al­ty counts any­more.
  • Did Trump save Flori­da?
  • Dis­ney will lay off 7000 to begin this week. If you see this and think of DeSan­tis for pass­ing the leg­is­la­tion against Dis­ney, you have to thank Don­ald Trump. Trump got DeSan­tis elect­ed in 2018. The moment Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump tweet­ed in late June that DeSan­tis will be a Great Gov­er­nor & has my full Endorse­ment! The north­east Flori­da con­gress­man over­took Put­nam, long viewed as among the bright­est lights in the Flori­da GOP.

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