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Media Concern Is Trump: BKP Concern Is China, The Peace Talker

  • Xi deliv­ers a chill­ing mes­sage for the west as he tells dear friend Putin change is com­ing that has­n’t hap­pened in 100 years and we are dri­ving it
  • The US wants to get Abrams tanks to Ukraine quick­er as Putin meets Xi in Moscow and video emerges of a Russ­ian fight­er jet inter­cept­ing two Amer­i­can nuclear bombers over the Black Sea.
  • Putin looks like he is ready to ride the tiger, despite our cor­rupt media telling us that Putin is on his way out for over a year now.
  • Poland is still doing busi­ness with Rus­sia and is the third biggest exporter to Rus­sia in Europe. Pol­ish exports are worth bil­lions and are con­tin­u­ing to flow into Rus­sia.
  • Trump’s poten­tial indict­ment could be a dry run for Amer­i­caAt­lanta. You have NY, Atlanta, Jack Smith (the doc­u­ments). NY felony pros­e­cu­tions for fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records. This is going after your polit­i­cal ene­my. Since this has been so exposed on Tik­Tok and around the world. They have to tell you that it has been done 11 times this year by the NY DA.
  • NY Grand Jury recon­venes today as indict­ment deci­sion nears.
  • Trump says a Perp Walk would be a fun expe­ri­ence. BKP said that if I were Don­ald J Trump, I would make them come get me and get it all on video or if I do go to NY, I would make them get me from the plane.
  • The main­stream media has to tell you that it is not because it is Trump. Report: Fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records charge is com­mon­ly pur­sued by Man­hat­tan DAs office.
  • Insid­er: Trump indict­ment looms clos­er in NY, grand jurors in Stormy Daniels hush-mon­ey probe expect­ed back on Wednes­day
  • The media wants Trump to be arrest­ed. They want the show. Because they arent talk­ing about Chi­na and the Fed­er­al reserve upping the inter­est rates. They just want Trump arrest­ed.
  • 3 bank fail­ures in 1 week dur­ing the strongest econ­o­my in over 40 years Keep drink­ing the kool aid and blam­ing the orange man
  • Zelen­sky invites Chi­na to dis­cuss peace after no Break­through in the Xi-Putin meet­ing. Ukraine appears will­ing to engage Chi­na in med­ica­tion efforts to end the war, at a moment Chi­nas Xi is in Moscow dis­cussing Bei­jings own 12 point peace plan.
  • GA com­mits to vot­er accu­ra­cy groups as oth­er states with­draw.

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