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Daddys Boy, Burt Jones: Looks Like He Will Go 0–3 This Session

  • We are going to call the hon­or­able Lt Gov­er­nor of GA Burt Jones is dad­dys boy. Mr Jones is very wealthy in Butts Coun­ty. Dad­dys Boy is 0–3, it is sup­posed to bring Buck­head city and it failed. He was sup­posed to bring in gam­bling for an enor­mous list of peo­ple, includ­ing dad­dy, it will come to the floor this week and it will prob­a­bly fail. And then dad­dy has some prop­er­ty in Butts coun­ty that they would like to build a hos­pi­tal on his land, there is the bill called the cer­tifi­cate of need bill. It sounds good on the sur­face, because in the State of GA you need a cer­tifi­cate of need to build a hos­pi­tal. To get the cer­tifi­cate of need you have to go through the leg­is­la­ture to build the hos­pi­tal. So there is a bill to allow the cer­tifi­cate of need, HB
  • Split over GA hos­pi­tal rules could halt oth­er bills in the leg­is­la­ture. We are down to the wire to fin­ish the leg­is­la­ture ses­sion. The sen­ate has the bill coun­ties under 50K could build a hos­pi­tal with­out a cer­tifi­cate of need, that will fit Jones dad­dys prop­er­ty. Dad­dy has been push­ing some leg­is­la­tion at the Capi­tol. Is Dad­dy over­rul­ing Gov Bri­an Kemp? Gov Kem­p’s office has qui­et­ly raised issues with the mea­sure part­ly because of con­cerns it could threat­en frag­ile nego­ti­a­tions involv­ing the future of the Med­ical Col­lege of GA. This could jeop­ar­dize a bil­lion dol­lar deal with Well­star. Burt Jones wants to be gov­er­nor one day. Dad­dy obvi­ous­ly sent Burt to Atlanta with an agen­da, 0–3.
  • Only statewide can­di­date for GOP 1st Vice Chair that has pub­licly denounced the Man­hat­tan DA. what is tak­ing place with Jack Smith with the doc­u­ments. With what is hap­pen­ing in Ful­ton Coun­ty with the call. BKP is an elec­tion denier. If you are a del­e­gate in the state con­ven­tion in June, BKP is ask­ing you to join him in the com­mit­ment to stop the steal of 2024.
  • NY is the set up for Atlanta and then a set up for Jack Smith the spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor for the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments. You nev­er hear a word about Joe Biden. The tri­fec­ta.
  • Putin backs XI peace­ful set­tle­ment for Ukraine.
  • The cost of rais­ing a pup is going up. You cant even have a dog in the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.
  • The rea­son Trump said Tues­day is because the Grand jury meets Mon­day and Wednes­day. What is hap­pen­ing now and the rea­son why it did­n’t hap­pen Tues­day is because Trump’s team ran Costel­lo to dis­cred­it Cohan tes­ti­mo­ny. At the time the Grand Jury can ask as many ques­tions as they want. They did­nt have enough time for DA Bragg to give instruc­tions to the Grand Jury. So if an indict­ment comes the DA will go into the Grand Jury today as a clos­ing state­ment and request form the DA to return a felony charge based on this. Or return an indict­ment on this mis­de­meanor. The DA walks out of the room and the Grand Jury del­e­gates and votes. The judge is to unseal the vote in pub­lic and if it says True Bill that starts the indict­ment.

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