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Conflict of Interests Under the Gold Dome in Atlanta

  • High school foot­ball coach who was fired for pray­ing with play­ers wins $2M set­tle­ment and will return to work after Supreme Court rules in his favor.
  • Today News Africa reporter accus­es the Biden admin­is­tra­tion of Racism and says the press room is a dis­grace for ignor­ing his ques­tions after he derailed Jason Sudeikis White House appear­ance on men­tal health. Simon Ate­ba has press cre­den­tials in the White House. He asks real ques­tions. For 7 months he has been black­list­ed, He has done every­thing, sent emails, raised his hand, asked for a meet­ing. He was denied. Simon tweets Im not just the African reporter, my name is Simon Ate­ba!
  • Bal­ly Sports South is a net­work, This is maybe why they need to pass sports bet­ting. They may have been promised to have sports bet­ting in place for this sea­son.
  • Ga bills thought to be dead were revived in the final days. The soap box der­by mea­sure would have been repub­li­can state Rep Leesa Hagans first bill to pass, rec­og­niz­ing the event in Lyons as Geor­gias offi­cial soap box race for tourism pur­pos­es. Instead she has asked for her pro­pos­al to be removed from the bill so it was­nt tar­nished by sports bet­ting, HB237. A 3 page bill got a 44 page amend­ment
  • TO Lt Gov Burt Jones, if this ses­sion comes and goes and that mem­ber of the house does­nt get her bill passed clean. Remem­ber you want to run for gov­er­nor.
  • Burt Jones backed hos­pi­tal over­haul draws scruti­ny. To get a hos­pi­tal you have to have a cer­tifi­cate of need. They wont allow a cer­tifi­cate of need for many rur­al areas but on the sur­face it looks like it will allow hos­pi­tals to be built with­out a cer­tifi­cate of need in coun­ties of few­er than 50K peo­ple. SB99 Some exist­ing hos­pi­tals oppose the mea­sure, say­ing it could endan­ger strug­gling hos­pi­tals that serve their com­mu­ni­ties. Jones con­sid­ered SB99 pas­sage a top pri­or­i­ty, say­ing that it is a mat­ter of Qual­i­ty health­care for rur­al com­mu­ni­ties. Spon­sors of the bill acknowl­edge that the mea­sure could fast track a 100-bed hos­pi­tal for Jones native Butts Coun­ty, where his father owns land where the hos­pi­tal could be built.
  • Repub­li­cans demand Man­hat­tan DA Bragg to turn over docs relat­ed to the Trump inves­ti­ga­tion. Jor­dan, chair­man of the House Judi­cia­ry, Com­er, chair­man of the Over­sight and Bryan Steil, chair­man of the Admin­is­tra­tion com­mit­tee, issued a let­ter to the Man­hat­tan DA Alvin Bragg on Mon­day demand­ing tes­ti­mo­ny and doc­u­ments relat­ed to the inves­ti­ga­tion and poten­tial indict­ment of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. After House Speak­er Kevin McCarthy quick­ly announced that he planned to use com­mit­tees to probe the poten­tial indict­ment and whether fed­er­al fund­ing was involved.
  • If Biden gets his way, using cor­rect pro­nouns could be a human rights vio­la­tion. Bidens Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion plans to enact new rule changes to civ­il rights law this May that would end free speech as Amer­i­cans have known it. Then changes would inject gen­der ide­ol­o­gy straight into the heart of Title IX of the Civ­il Rights Act by eras­ing the Supreme Courts long-stand­ing dis­tinc­tion between pro­tect­ed speech and pun­ish­able con­duct. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is pur­pose­ful­ly mud­dy­ing the waters between mere speech and harass­ing con­duct specif­i­cal­ly to force the use of pro­nouns and gen­der-affirm­ing lan­guage. Under the pro­posed rule, stu­dents and fac­ul­ty can vio­late Title IX sim­ply for refus­ing to use some­one elses pre­ferred pro­nouns. Title XI has typ­i­cal­ly been reserved for inci­dents of sex­u­al assault or har­rass­ment but under the Biden admin­is­tra­tion it could be report­ed for mere speech. This admin­is­tra­tion will set legal prece­dent ablaze and steam­roll arguably our nations most foun­da­tion­al prin­ci­ple.
  • The Los Ange­les school work­ers union begins a 3‑day strike of about 60K work­ers.
  • Biden got his first Veto and it upset Joe Manchin. Sen Joe Manchin accused the Biden admin­is­tra­tion of pri­or­i­tiz­ing rad­i­cal pol­i­cy over the eco­nom­ic ener­gy and nation­al secu­ri­ty needs of the coun­try. Biden issues first veto block­ing mea­sure to block new invest­ment rule.

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