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What Will Come of Putin and Xi Meeting?

  • They are try­ing to take Elon Musk down. You would have nev­er seen this video Pre-Elon. The gov­ern­ment is going door to door in DC. Bows­er and Fau­ci try to talk to a man that lays it all out. The video was from 2021, and was sup­pressed by the media and big tech. Only after Elon Musk took over was the video released. Much like the J6 videos that the Shaman was escort­ed through the capi­tol. The Amer­i­can peo­ple know that there is some­thing going on here.
  • White House rejects the idea that Xi and Putin are team­ing up against Joe Biden and claims Rus­sia is a junior part­ner in the rela­tion­ship and a cease­fire in Ukraine would be a vic­to­ry for the krem­lin.
  • The­o­ry pro­posed by Bruce on Fri­day. Chi­na wants us to spend our arse­nals in Ukraine while they build theirs up. Chi­nas Pres­i­dent Xi wants the Ukraine war to drag on for years so the west wont stand up to him, writes author of Rus­sias war, Dr. Jade McG­lynn
  • Now the Asian Pacif­ic, South Chi­na Sea, Japan and Rock­et Man. Rock­et Man keeps throw­ing mis­siles over Japan. The Prime Min­is­ter of Japan is head­ing to Ukraine to talk with Zelen­sky
  • Wel­come to Rus­sia, Putin and Xi meet in Rus­sia over the next sev­er­al days in an infor­mal meet­ing.
  • As the US announce anoth­er $350 mil­lion in ammo and equip­ment to Ukraine that include HIMARS, How­itzers, Bradley Fight­ing Vehi­cles, HARM mis­siles, Anti-tank weapons, river­ine boats and more
  • If there is a cease­fire and Xi and Putin come out to offer the cease fire. What will hap­pen? Rus­sia and Chi­na have sim­i­lar goals. They spent 4.5 hours togeth­er. Remem­ber Putin went to the olympics in Chi­na and met with him there and layed out a game plan. 30 days lat­er Putin entered Ukraine. Zelen­sky does­nt care about his peo­ple any more than Putin cares about his peo­ple.

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