Home / Shows / NYC braces for Trump Indictment, DeSantis Breaks His Silence in Political Statement

NYC braces for Trump Indictment, DeSantis Breaks His Silence in Political Statement

  • Trumps inner cir­cle says the NY indict­ment will only make him stronger because the case is so weak and naked­ly polit­i­cal and Ron DeSan­tis has bun­gled the response.
  • Jim Jor­dan wants to know how much tax­pay­er mon­ey was used in the Trump Grand Jury.
  • NY city braces for Trump indict­ment after ex-pres­i­dent urges protests. Law enforce­ment brac­ing for pos­si­ble pro-Trump protests. Bar­ri­cades are going up all over NYC
  • Ron DeSan­tis weighs in on pos­si­ble Trump indict­ment. HOP GOP wants NY DA tes­ti­mo­ny to see how much tax­pay­er mon­ey was spent on this friv­o­lous case when oth­er crimes are being com­mit­ted in NYC and not get­ting the prop­er atten­tion.
  • Cohan called as wit­ness, a dis­cred­it­ed wit­ness. Team Trump put for­ward an ally, Costel­lo, to under­cut Cohen Tes­ti­mo­ny.
  • Ron DeSan­tis breaks his silence on the hush mon­ey case. Ron has done some very good things in FL. Ron DeSan­tis was los­ing to a drug addict before the Trump endorse­ment. For DeSan­tis to stand up there and say porn­star and hush mon­ey six times, it was wrong. He knows what he is doing while peo­ple in the audi­ence are laugh­ing. They only cut the hush mon­ey porn star pay­ments on the morn­ing shows. Don­ald Trump is a pri­vate cit­i­zen in the state of Flori­da and is being harassed by a DA in NY. They wait to hear the out­cry of DeSan­tis not com­ing out. When DeSan­tis gives his speech he is polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ing him­self. When Ron DeSan­tis had the chance to do the right thing he did­nt do it.
  • Who has the guts to go into the oval office and call Xi, Putin, Macrone, Schultz, and Zelen­sky oth­er than Don­ald Trump?
  • So if Ron DeSan­tis gets elect­ed will he wait 48 hours to craft a mes­sage with his team? And when pushed against the wall will he do the right thing? He had a chance in the last cou­ple of days to embrace Trump sup­port­ers. But he was in fear of mak­ing a state­ment that would make him a Trump sup­port­er. He did­nt put pol­i­tics aside and do the right thing.

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