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They Are Going For the Trifecta to Stop Trump

  • Glenn Beck was the king of 3 chalk­boards. He was the best teacher in Amer­i­ca at that time. This is when we learned about George Soros, Spooky Dude. Beck Tweeks: We did some dig­ging into the Chi­nese com­pa­ny that fun­neled $3M to var­i­ous Biden fam­i­ly mem­bers. And how weird around the time it wired the mon­ey, it bought up a ton of shares in green ener­gy com­pa­nies not say­ing this is pay for play but it sure looks like one This is weird because this is our green ener­gy pres­i­dent.
  • We have imple­ment­ed a large por­tion of the Green New Deal through sev­er­al bills that have passed with the help of repub­li­cans and Mitch McConnell
  • The Grand Jury is meet­ing today and Bragg will tell them what he wants to hear. They are all work­ing to get the tri­fec­ta Man­hat­tan leads to Atlanta leads to Jack Smith doc­u­ments
  • If you will not say that Biden won a free and fair elec­tion, you have com­mit­ted a crime. You are to be charged with a crime. We have peo­ple that are still being charged for J6. There are polit­i­cal pris­on­ers. There are reports that peo­ple are get­ting arrest­ed and they wer­ent even there. They dont even attempt to hide the attack on Patri­ots.
  • This is the DeSan­tis we like.Disney defies DeSan­tis by host­ing the world’s largest cor­po­rate LGBTQ con­fer­ence spon­sored by Apple, Wal­mart and Ama­zon
  • This is the DeSan­tis that isnt ready. The DeSan­tis flip flop DeSan­tis Ukraine u‑turn: now says his ter­ri­to­r­i­al dis­pute com­ments were mis­char­ac­ter­ized, calls Putin a war crim­i­nal and says Rus­sia is basi­cal­ly a gas sta­tion with a nuclear weapon.
  • You cant run a busi­ness when peo­ple are poop­ing on your porch. Port­land res­i­dents reveal how hip­ster city has trans­formed into a law­less hellscape thanks to the home­less cri­sis, ram­pant drug use and woke poli­cies. In 2020 they passed a bill to decrim­i­nal­ize recre­ation­al drug use poli­cies. This is Amer­i­ca under Dem Con­trol. See­ing addicts shoot up in pub­lic in the mid­dle of the day.
  • We talked about WY abor­tion ban as judge tem­porar­i­ly blocks the ban. We talked about it yes­ter­day with David Iver­son, Cow­boy State Pol­i­tics. The bill makes sure to strip abor­tion as health­care.
  • GA passed SB140. Trans­gen­der is not health­care. It is a men­tal issue you have. It does­n’t have the bite it needs to be effec­tive. GA refus­es to pro­tect our chil­dren.
  • House and Sen­ate ten­sions boil­ing as ses­sion dead­line nears. The house of reps ran by Jon Burns is try­ing to assert him­self and is get­ting angry. Burt Jones has upset Kemp. We had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a very con­ser­v­a­tive sen­ate but he came in with an agen­da that con­flict­ed with his inter­ests.

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