Home / News / Media Hot Tickets: TIKTOK Bad… TRUMP Bad…

Media Hot Tickets: TIKTOK Bad… TRUMP Bad…

  • Tik­Tok CEO was ques­tioned by Con­gress and he did a great job. If you are say­ing that the Chi­nese are col­lect­ing data, you should have done your home­work. Tik­Tok has to go, a bipar­ti­san effort. How many use google for direc­tions? Every bit of that data is being record­ed. Google knows when you go through a stop sign and red light. Your insur­ance could pull the google data.  We have an admin­is­tra­tion that is want­i­ng to stop Tik­tok because of the data col­lec­tion being sent to Chi­na by an admin­is­tra­tion that can pro­tect the bor­der, want to muti­late our kids, kill peo­ple with fen­tanyl, and the list goes on. But if you have a phone they are already col­lect­ing your data. 
  • There is stuff on tik­tok that you can’t find on oth­er plat­forms and it gets pushed to your playlist. Don’t believe the bipar­ti­san rush to ban tik­tok under the guise of pro­tect­ing our chil­dren. Those same peo­ple are the ones that are say­ing that Tik­Tok needs to end today. Are they afraid of the truth get­ting out? 
  • The Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty is a con­cern. It’s a shame you didn’t get that lev­el of con­cern 20 years ago. 
  • Alvin Bragg was all the talk on Sun­day. Bragg is the Soros backed ani­mal. He is doing the work of an anar­chist and the dev­il says Trump. This is real­ly pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al misconduct. 
  • Grand Jury expect­ed to meet Mon­day in NYC Hush Mon­ey case.
  • MSNBC head­line: Trump chan­nels cult leader in Waco Speech
  • Trump starts Waco ral­ly with song fea­tur­ing him and J6 choir
  • Biden was in Cana­da but he thought he was in China. 
  • You will come against so many repub­li­cans that will say to you that they like Trump but he doesn’t need to lash out. That they are wor­ried that he is not able to get elect­ed because of the way he lash­es out. 
  • The Man­hat­tan DA is a 7 year old case. There is no strength in the Jack Smith case or with the Fani Willis case in GA. All trump did was make Bragg look like a fool for say­ing that he was going to get arrest­ed. 60% are say­ing that the Bragg case is polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed. This is a polit­i­cal pros­e­cu­tion. You can’t cre­ate your own laws. Bragg is a demo­c­rat in NY, Trump would be Biden’s polit­i­cal oppo­nent. If he paidv22 off the porn star you had 2 years to get it done… not 7 plus it is a mis­de­meanor and not a felony. If this was “you” it would go to the dead dock­et, there is noth­ing there to pros­e­cute. The doj declined and 2 oth­er DAs declined it. It is some­thing that has nev­er been done before. The same evil prin­ci­ples apply with the fani willis case and the jack smith doc­u­ments, George Soros fund­ed that the deep state backed. 
  • Wednes­day is the end of the GA leg­isla­tive ses­sion. There are some things you need to do today and keep your eye on. 

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